Closed for now will set up another thread later!

what the hell happened here and why does someone who just screams underaged happen to be here

bro i gotta like actually make a list of every time somebody starts screaming and crying because traders tell them their offer is bad

Bro I swear to god, this happens like 3 - 7 times a year on the forums
Some guy that gets salty over an advice or a tip for value.

3-7 times a week*

Im not screaming and crying Im just mad and everyone is rude and expects me to be perfect… :confused:

nobody was being rude to you,
if you think this is rude you’re a true snowflake my man
you’re the one who reacted with an attitude, not everyone is going to accept your bullshit

We’re not asking you to be perfect and non of us are being rude
You started being rude in the first place anyways.

Ight that’s fair, but dosen’t God say not to be rude despite people’s obvious weaknesses?

And I am sorry I should’ve been so rude.

I don’t follow the christian god, no real reason to bring him into this either

should not have been rude*

I wasn’t even being rude in the first place or trying to find out your obvious weakness, you’re the one being rude, sending a potential “death threat”. Not sure if god would like that.

He’s real even if you don’t care, just a tip for the real world.

Also I am sorry I overreacted. Also it’s called repentance which I’m doing now.

Just be chill about it and accept if anything is an overpay/underpay, not that difficult and at least you’ll learn value I guess :+1:
Trading should be much easier and calmer unless there is some dick that lectures about every bad trade he sees I guess, might be a few out there

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Thank you :slight_smile:

Also would some boss drop weapons be good to add? Or would it be valueless in comparison to sunken stuff

you are clearly not in the “real world” considering the way you reacted to something so trivial.
And I never said your god wasn’t real, just said I don’t follow him. I have my own beliefs

If you’re talking about AO boss weapons, those might be good but comes at a cost of lower value because there is a good chance these bosses do not have rng placed spawns so you can farm the bosses whenever you want I guess without the needs of wasting 5 minutes of walking and boss tracking decreases boss drops

For WoM, boss drops are being converted into galleons which will be a good idea to have boss drops from WoM because a tester stated that galleons will be difficult to get

However the AO boss drops might be better than WoM’s

Good to know, thank you.