Closed for now will set up another thread later!

I know ONLINE isn’t the real world, but it’s in it and also would like it if you’d stop giving me an attitude about it, if you don’t mind.

Not really in the place to call out my attitude my guy

okay :confused:

Im here to shit on the drama

He can say its a bad offer even if he doesn’t have what you want its called criticism

YOU made it a big deal shut up

So true. They are usually elment and box making out now

I mean i am kinda seeing his pov you did write a pretty long text saying how bad it was you could have said something like “bad offer” but hey idrc im here to shit on this

Agreed. Nothing else

Gotta disagree ngl

to sum it up to the people that say tldr
You went on a rampage lmao

Yeah that’s true, but I’ll be better about stuff like this I promise. :slight_smile:

Like not going on a RAMPAGE lol

thats cuz i wanted it a bursting leggin lol, not necessarily the same

Oh tbh I don’t mind about you giving crap about me because I probably deserve it for all I care.

Ok (ok) i was just laughing at your actions

I over exaggerated it

Im not trying to be rude here, im just genuinely confused what youre trying to say

Average forums making quotes not knowing it ended

Forumers not trying to bring in more drama while it already ended (challenge)

I was aware dumbass
But I was playing calamity

you don’t have to call me a dumbass that you got so sensitive to

Dumbass is my first thing that comes up in my mind, its my go to insult. Its not that im sensitive it’s that its been wired for me to say that :nerd_face:

Chaos, Chaos! I can do anything!

Once flare and the degen box guys starts talking u can’t tear them like acc plp. Think of them like trash npcs! Not flare tho he seems pretty chill

mald child, let it go. you’re shit and you refuse to acknowledge that
shitter thinks he’s cool by calling me a degen while your ego is hurt because i said your trade was shit a couple times :joy: grow the fuck up

note: what the actual fuck does “u can’t tear them like the acc plp” mean

still don’t know what the fuck a “plp” is