(closed) lf hard defense amulet ( dull)

rnjesus blessed me with hard

beg for it here in the forums or do merchant runs. nobody’s really gonna do a trade for ordinary items, only boss drops for other boss drops

no i will get unlucky

You could offer a hundred thousand crowns and get the same results. Best bet is to find some noob in game who thinks crowns have value then trade him for it. Even then it’d probably be clean so you’d need to enchant it yourself. If you have the patience for it however I am willing to enchant some of mine to see if I get one. I got like 60~ defense dull amulets, not a lot but it should do fine.

i got 2 from 500 crowns but ill offer for 10

that are not hard just clean

@ThatOneGuy hello? ill offer for 10 cleans.

was at work, now I’m home

oh sorry i got the enchant on my last amulet


now that my build is done can you rate it? Rate my build

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