Clown Trades

HOLY, time to abuse my merchant till she sells me notebooks

should I fire my enchanter to get a merchant deckhand?

Look at the marketplace beforehand and see if it’s worth it, people have started a notebook monopoly already so it might not be as good as before.

my strat is just to lower price, so far the one that costs the least is 199 galleons, so i can sell 300 for 120 galleons and get 36K galleons

Last night my Conjurer got two trades for her remaining Acrimony.

Both were Galleons only; one at 30K and another at 75K.

i farmed the event on like 4 different files… im good :muscle:

BRO WUT :sob: :sob: :sob:

hehe watch metapoly flex on his completion of the event on 16 different files :sob:

u heard me like, like or not, shes gonna give me notebooks


I can agree with you
This is a race occurrence

I thought the rule was to blur out names in the trade :sob:

No, no, they deserve to be ridiculed


(complete sentence)

i was trollin him and he was trollin me its not fr

some people do, especially that guy who tried to get 8 headlesses via galleons only

Nice profile picture

Fair you should accept

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i just realised. if headless isnt used for vanity, it’s an infinite value item that will be forever stuck in limbo because nothing can compare to it in trades.