Combat Log Reinforcement

Now I think we’ve all experienced some anger when your about to kill someone and they combat log, expetionally if that person angered you and killing them would relieve the stress they put you under.


  • What I propose is a confirm button when your about to leave the game in combat, on top of that, you would have to wait around 2-5 seconds for the button to be available.
  • This would not only allow people like those described above to be able to take their anger out but it would force combat loggers to be more strategic ;furthermore, gameplay becomes more fun.

And yes this is a suggestion.

Vetex can’t stop you from just pressing the X button in the top right corner.


what would be stopping them from clicking the close button? you can’t exactly stop them from doing it.

I don’t think it’s possible anyway lol


You do know the idea behind combat logging is leaving the game in combat right?
Obviously you can’t stop that, at best you can raise the consequences. What’s even the point of that menu anyway, if anything it’s just waiting to leave combat but way shorter


Well I’ve cooled down now, bullied the kid for a good 10 minutes, which makes me realize how the right type of bullying can really help a person.

I am Lost and I endorse this message


So this is why #suggestions was closed.


idc if people combat log to be honest
i just want it so when you combat log it displays the last player that hit them so everyone near (or make it server-wide) can see how cowardly you are in PvP

Lol, it was a decent idea just had the wrong inspiration.

I mean theres no real need to change anything as is

at most you could copy starscape’s approach for wild and unsecure space:
your “ship” would remain in the spot you logged at for like a minute
with an option to do a “safe logout” that immediately boots you

but again theres no need to do this
more severe combat logging penalties really only need to exist in games where death matters (like rogue or starscape)

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Nor can ROBLOX stop you from doing Esc > L > Confirm unless they kick you by themselves

Do you have any idea what chaos would ensue if a game could prevent you from leaving lmaooo

SAO moment, but without the death, unless either Vetex or ROBLOX were evil, or in worst cases, both of them

I don’t watch that but from all the context i’ve gotten it’s probably some anime with virtual reality stuff happening

First part of the first season is basically ‘‘hey check out this cool game. it’s fun right? oh and if you die here the device kills you and there’s no exit. you’re trapped here. if someone disconnects you from the device you will also die. now complete the game without dying and you’ll survive’’

Dang did they really put the vr on knowing that…?

If so that’s a big bunch of hollowheads

Unfortunately, somebody rigged the game to instead just spawn you in an Arcane Reborn dungeon at level 1.

Unfortunately, Arcane Reborn doesn’t have VR support, so you get to wait until your actual body starves or somebody lures an NPC to you to put you out of your misery.

No, they had no idea. It was a surprise. Using an ‘‘attractive’’ or ‘‘interesting’’ next-gen game to hide a death trap.

Well that kinda sucks for them huh

And then im sure there’s a bunch of stupid anime stuff and there’s inappropriate things and whatever else is in there lol

defeats Prometheus at level 1, gets full Promethean set and Apotheosis first try

As you get ready to leave the game and break free from the curse by leaving the game, you’ve leveled to level 41 from the fight and a level 300 one shots you with a legendary weapon.

Or better yet, right before you leave, now with the tons of XP instant leveling you to near max.
An NPC shoots you with a magic spell in the same moment you leave the game, causing you to combat log…
Unfortunately, combat logging counts as a death.