Communist's Art Attempt 1

This first map is Frostmill Island.
I think this map failed horribly though.

This map is 2 islands having a bitter rivalry against each other.

I do not have the pro version of Inkarnate.

Respective Criticism is respected so please feel free to criticize me so i can do a better geographic art job.

>has bridges linking islands

The bridge may link the islands for trade, but they trade for their own benefits.

What would they trade? They both have exactly what the other has. Only time I can imagine they’d need to trade is if they had a low supply of something but most likely if one side had a low supply of something, like food, then they other should too since they’re under extremely similar conditions.

Wtf is there to trade and what are they rivaling over

Yes, that is literally what trading is

Your correct but they mostly trade to handle the goods in and out.

Think about fire and water, they couldn’t co-exist without the other.

This is same for the islands their trade between each other allows them to both exist even if they have a friendly rivarly.

They trade to boost the economy in the area. The other surrounding islands would also trade for resources they don’t owe.

Yes, that is what trading is

Yes they could wtf? That’s literally how they naturally exist.

They literally have the exact same resources, wtf are you talking about

They can but without the other there isn’t no balance to the cycle.

Dude what cycle??

Fire and Water are mostly unrelated

No, the other has more resources then the other as well as vice versa for the other island for different resources.

They balance the resources out and trade the resource they have less for.

Not according to your map, they literally do not have different resources

true because i didn’t feel like adding them and also by co existing i meant the Avatar Cycle.

wtf is the Avatar Cycle

** The Avatar , formed initially when Wan permanently fused with Raava during the Harmonic Convergence of 9,829 BG, is the human embodiment of light and peace through the connection with the Avatar Spirit. As the only physical being with the ability to bend all four elements, it is considered the Avatar’s duty to master the four bending arts and use that power to keep balance and peace among the four nations of the world, as well as between mankind and spirits. Upon death, the Avatar Spirit causes the Avatar to reincarnate into the next nation, dictated by the cyclic order: fire, air, water, and earth. Mirroring the order in which the first Avatar, Wan, learned the elements, this is also the traditional order in which any one incarnation is to master the elements, beginning with the bending art of the Avatar’s birth nation. The reincarnation cycle can only be broken if the Avatar is killed while in the Avatar State, Raava is removed from the Avatar and severely injured, or the Avatar Spirit is compromised by a spiritual infection.

As part spirit, the Avatar possesses an innate connection to the Spirit World and is at their strongest in that realm, due to being surrounded by spiritual energy.[3] The Avatar used that connection to the Spirit World to be the bridge between the two worlds in order to keep peace between them and ensure harmony. After the Harmonic Convergence in 171 AG, however, Avatar Korra left the spirit portals open and renounced her role as the bridge between the two worlds to let humans and spirits live together in harmony. The Avatar is also capable of recalling memories from past lives. This ability, however, can be injured or even completely severed. Avatar Aang unintentionally weakened his connection to all his past lives who came before Avatar Roku when he broke off his relationship with the Fire Nation Avatar,[4] though he managed to restore the connection. When Raava was ripped out of Avatar Korra by Vaatu and subsequently destroyed,[5] Korra’s link to her past lives was completely severed despite the light spirit’s revival.[6]

The Avatar also possesses the ability to bend energy itself, although few Avatars have learned this technique, and even fewer have used it. Avatar Aang learned it from the last living lion turtle and used it to remove Phoenix King Ozai’s firebending, ending the Hundred Year War. He later used it to end Yakone’s reign of terror in Republic City by stripping him of his waterbending.[7][8] Korra was also taught this ability after connecting with Aang when she lost her bending. Aang used this ability to restore her bending and she likewise did the same for Lin Beifong and many other victims of Amon’s unique technique.

Upon mastering control of the Avatar State, after having learned to bend the four elements, an Avatar is referred to as “fully realized”.**

You do know the elements even in avatar aren’t necessary to the avatar cycle right? It just skips over to the next available nation if there’s no one practicing a certain element which is kind of the entire reason why Aang was the Last Airbender.

No aang was the last air Bender because the fire nation killed them all except AANG.
They murdered all of them

Yes, why do you think they were trying to murder every air bender?

I was calling you 12 but the lack of reasoning here makes me think you’re much younger

My house has extremely similar climate conditions to my store but I still go there to buy stuff. Maybe one island has this really cool blacksmith and another has a large library? Just because the climate is the same doesn’t mean they necessarily have the same stuff.


Sir i watched the Avatar series 5 times in a row and the main reason why they wanted to find the Avatar is because they to kill him.
Also, they wanted no threat to their nation because with the Avatar coming back into existence would presumably be a nightmare for the Fire Nation.

water only puts out fire because its cool lol