So this is a question to my fellow vitalbros, how do you feel about the vitality rework?
i feel like it’s kind of slowly becoming primordial magic, i want my paladin beefiness
The direction it was going down was bad
I don’t really care tbh
it’s okay that now that defense will carry tank builds but
does it really make a difference for me, a 3-way savant?(magic, strength, and weapons only, might do vitality if I get enough stat allocation in the future)
this just turns it into a reskin of warrior
currently, vitality stands out as unique
dont remove it
(and i want mah hp)
no real opinion yet but I do hope there are plans to differentiate it from magic in a substantial way
I’m excited for the barrier tho
Spirit is still unique compared to Warrior, given that it has much more magical skills. For one, it’s the only class with a barrier skill
It shouldn’t be defined by a bonus stat it should be defined by it’s moves and it’s way to early to judge it
it uses weapon slots
you can eventually put other skills on it
you can enchant it
the only difference that makes it slightly stand out is that it has status effect affinities of other magics
dont remove its hp reduction
dont remove its dmg reduction
dont remove its hp increase
we dont want to strip it of its main selling points
out-clashing the enemy:
read what i said above
for now it is
I’m pretty sure it was confirmed a bit ago that there will be special slots for spirit weapons in full release.
Regardless, I don’t see why this class needs to have random mechanics that make it annoying to balance and build with to be unique, as opposed to simply having unique skills.
Funny how you say that
And by that logic strength is a reskin of magic since
You can make the spells/techniques individually
You need scrolls for rare spells/techniques
Both have customization for almost every move
mind you I’m pretty sure it was said by Vetex that spirit weapons were supposed to be to weapons as magic is to fighting styles, wherein one is a more magical counterpart of the other.
aren’t spirit weapons non-enchantable?
I believe that this is the case, yes. I also believe vetex has once said something about how Enchants are the weapon equivalent of magic shapes/fighting style embodiments as well, anyways.
its over apothecary bros
most spells are ranged, which affect gameplay
most tech are melee, which affect gameplay
spirit being ‘magic’ related doesnt affect gameplay, nor does weapons being ‘physical’ related
you will be able to
In the original rework we were meant to get lifesteal regeneration.
When you hit, you would get a regeneration up to 20% of dealt damage.
wtf did they scrap the regen feature