Community Opinion: Vitality Rework

Aw man that was like the entire point of me using knight for the health

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As it’s not listed on the trello, probably

yup its miserable now

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Vitality losing everything it had that made it unique within one patchnote


or maybe the regeneration thingymajig would take a lot longer to code in compared to what’s basically number changes of these other changes

Im basically just reiterating what i said before, no class should have a unique stat boost for investing into it, just makes it unfair


Keep fighting the good fight man.

old rework was amazing it’s a shame it got vetoed


Looks fine but I would make spirit for mages only

if spirit imbue doesn’t exist for removing vitality damage reduction anymore then what does it do?

For drip

I don’t know what Spirit/Vitality is supposed to be in terms of a gameplay identity. Right now, without the health related perks, it just seems like it is a mage without spell customization and with being able to swap magics at will, maybe I am not looking at it the right way though.

I think it has potential, but you have to go nuts with what tools each relic has available, the ultimate art or equivalent for a lightning spirit relic should be calling a thunderstorm that will strike with pillars of lightning randomly in an area for a duration for example, something cool and dramatic like that. If you’re going to use the relics of the gods, they should be iconic.


Well its like a better conjurer but more based on magic so I tolerate it unlike my hate towards the weapon and strenght commoners

This makes it a lot better for juggernauts because now they dont take 30 damage every attack

i hate it lol

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i wanted to play vit builds so i could go a bit more batshit insane on other gear stats and not as much on defense, so i think it is safe to say i do not like this.

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metapoly has said you won’t be able to enchant spirit weapons because spirit weapon imbues would also be affected by the enchants which is no bueno

They should give it the regen on attacks that’s been scrapped

max level savants with 3 weapons, 3 spirit weapons, 2 magics, and 2 fighting styles