Completely Disable Water Poisoning Until It Is Fixed

Completely Disable Water Poisoning Until It Is Fixed
effort 3.666666666666667 6 quality 3.75 4 reasonability 4.090909090909091 11

Even without the bath, as has been said in the original post, the bath and taking cover is incredibly buggy at the moment. You may not have personal experience with it, but others do. Personally, I’ve been on a 2 hour trip in the insanity portions of the Dark Sea with 2 friends- myself and one of the friends only got the poisoning once and the second friend kept getting the poisoning within a minute back to back at times.

It is buggy, but that is no reason to remove it entirely instead of just, fixing it.

the suggestion is to remove it UNTIL it’s fixed, just that I personally believe it should be scrapped or reworked entirely

I’m with you there, I made a whole second suggestion to rework it, this is my middle ground because I atleast don’t want to deal with it when its so horribly broken.

Nobody is making you deal with it.

Stay In Range 1 Until It Is Fixed

I honestly just dont bother with Atlantean ship captains on range 2+ and if I do want to fight them it’ll be on a vast wide open land area so that I won’t get backstabbed by a sudden water poisoning and if the gods try to wash me away with gigantic tsunamis while fighting on board…

Besides If I do actually go to higher ranges I usually just try to make holes for cover and shelter on all my files (Mage, Berserker and Warrior) never really failed me in any way whatsoever.

the solution to a problem shouldn’t be to ignore the problem

Correct; the solution is to avoid the problem.

that is the exact opposite of a solution, it’s a bandaid fix at most

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It’s, just wait until the bug is fixed.

you’re just making garbage excuses for a garbage mechanic suffering from bugs that make it more garbage.

genuinely why?

The Mechanic Is Not Garbage.

Yes it is, it is the worst part of this entire update, even INCLUDING the bugs.

It fails to be scary and succeeds at being nothing but tedious and annoying.
Its random bullshit for the sake of random bullshit.
The pinnacle of artificial difficulty.

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As it should be. Why should the place that is literally Made Of Insanity not be constant suffering?

Its supposed to be challenging, not outright bullshit.

there is a very clear line between the two and water poisoning steps far over it.

It is supposed to be outright bullshit is what I was saying.

Also, it won’t even be bullshit once the bugs are fixed.

You want to know what’s actually bullshit? A tornado spawning on top of your ship while you’re docked at an island. And even that was funny more than anything.

no its not lol???
When I call something bullshit I mean you’re dying to something completely out of your hands that you had no way to avoid beyond getting lucky.

If it’s supposed to be outright BS by design, then it’s a mechanic that shouldn’t exist in the first place. BS by design is completely unfun to play, and game designers (at least mostly) avoid it wherever they can. When something is BS on accident, and the game can be updated, the devs are likely to patch it out.

Look at games like SMT3 or Dark Souls, those games are challenging but not unfair. You know their rules and you know that if you change up your strategy you might have a better shot at winning a difficult fight.

Well, there is a way to avoid it; making it to your ship faster and bathing.

also dark souls is absolutely unfair