Considering the assassin syndicate is supposed to be an “assassins” guild they are not supposed to be out in plain sight. they should instead have their ships function with an ambush system (they first appear as a merchant boat. certain actions trigger the ambush to take place changing the boat’s colour coding to that of regular AS ships)
Examples of actions :
attempting to speak to the fake merchant npc
attacking the boat for any reason
being in the line of sight of the boat then attempting to exit it (basically replacing the “!” with a delayed one that activates after u attempt exiting their line of sight)
credits : crimis_cringle (whole reason i even got the idea)
???This sounds so unbelievably annoying, why are people voting for this???
it’s on the same level as the dirt&tanning mechanic with how the intent is to be immersive through pseudo-realism when it would in reality be the opposite.
How will it be fun to look for a merchant ship only to be yet again forced into boring ship combat?
How will it not disrupt the immersion to see a ship magically change its paint while sailing?
How will it not be weird in general for the assassins to take off their disguise and reveal their uniform?
The only way in which I can see this feature being beneficial to Arcane Odyssey is through its absurdity providing comedic relief to a few.
shouldn’t replace all assassin ships imo, but this would be fun as another kind of sea event especially since pirates and assassins irl wouldnt really be waving around black flags with skulls on them unless u were really swag
the reason why this fits and dirt/tanning don’t is because arcane odyssey is mainly about combat, pvp and pve, and not about the environment (well except for the dark sea and certain overworld locations, which could keep these mechanics imo). this is a mechanic that gives some realism to pve while not exactly making it play like shit, while dirt and tanning are survival game vanity mechanics that don’t really fit
Arcane Oddysey is NOT a game focused on combat (at least for pvp), it’s fairly focused on pve but it’s main focus has always, and will always be exploration, adventure, and whatever makes an open world game, an open world game (like RDR2, BotW, etc.).
It’s fairly decent the idea but i’m not a fan of it since no one really goes to merchant ships anymore, instead, what i think it should do is.
Disguise themselves as a bounty hunter, merchant, or navy ship.
Follow the player without giving an alert (like the bell ringing)
When close enough, fire at the player’s ship.
This would make them not only silent but also not be as easily avoided (i mean they are still avoidable since they would just fire like the average ship npc)
not in practice. let me ask you, what are the greatest threats in the game? what are you going to spend most of your time doing?
maybe you’re exploring, but none of the danger comes from the environment. the greatest danger lurks from what’s right around the corner - the angry bear, the wanted criminal, the shark, whatever. diving spots sort of prove this wrong, but at the same time, the hazards down there are forced damage at best.
i just don’t think this justifies placing it into the category of games that focus on your struggle against your circumstances and your environment, which is why dirt and tanning don’t fit, but this does. it’s kind of the idea of ‘stay in your lane’, because breaking hard from that idea breaks immersion
Eh i guess that’s fair, i mean i’m gonna be honest, current Arcane Oddysey is a mix of everything, PvP, PvE, and just the overall ambience of the enviroment
But currently we are seeing some environment features that do add actual immersion (no, not the soap, i’m talking about the dynamic NPCs and animals n stuff), and also some for PvE, and i really want to see those since PvP can’t really have much overall besides Elysium, the leaderboard and clans.
I think these ships should have a slightly greater reward for sinking them just so they aren’t entirely annoying. More sealed chests would be the obvious pick, but I think a unique reward or thematic reward could be fun.
Also, there should be ways of differentiation these impostors (you can leave these jokes back in 2020) from regular ships. Maybe some of their deckhands have shoddy outfits, or better yet, have poorly-disguised oddly-reinforced hulls (with a fake max hp value to boot).