
Last up for today, we have an absolutely MASSIVE version :cold_sweat:

This is going to take at least an hour to type out, since it’s literally an analysis of Vetex’s college thesis essay :fr:.

We’re starting with a new system that we’ve heard about a few times but never got the details of… and it’s being added now. Notoriety! Like in GTA (I think :fr:?), your level of Notoriety displays on your screen from 1-5 stars :star: (Mainly, but you can go above it) and is essentially the measure of your threat level and how much they know where you are.

Tier 1: 2 Notoriety

Tier 2: 350 Notoriety

Tier 3: 1k Notoriety

Tier 4: 1.5k Notoriety

Tier 5: 2k Notoriety

Tier 6+: 3k Notoriety

From there, an extra star will be added for every thousand Notoriety :boom:. There are notifications for when your notoriety tier goes up and a star is added to its display.

The higher your Notoriety tier, the more powerful Grand Navy ships and NPCs will be sent after you, since the Grand Navy thinks you’re more dangerous :nod:. Beyond 5 stars, the increase in the quality of ship types will stop and the Grand Navy NPCs will be the thing on an increase :chart_with_upwards_trend:. Here’s the ways to gain Notoriety:

Stealing from a Private Storage (+2 Notoriety)

Stealing Cargo (+5 Notoriety)

Sinking a positive rep ship (+20 Notoriety)

Killing a positive rep (+40~ Notoriety, depends on several factors like fame)

Being freed from prison or freeing someone from prison (+400 Notoriety)

Being freed from an execution (+750 Notoriety)

Stopping an execution (+1,500 Notoriety)

An important factor is that Notoriety gained will be multiplied based on your bounty, at a maximum of 2x when you have a bounty over 500k :cold_face:. Another thing is that whenever you gain Notoriety, the island you’re at, if you’re at one, will be displayed on the bounty board in the Extra Information section, so if you’re on the lam from bounty hunters, maybe avoid this :thinking:. Criminal and Hero NPCs will also now show their location in the same fashion, but not connected to Notoriety.

Players with Fame will also have their own form of being tracked separate from Notoriety. Because of this, though, and the fact they cannot avoid it (As criminal players can not gain Notoriety in an area to mask their location), it is less reliable: It will never show their current location and will be the place they were last at :map:.

If you’re confused, there will be a new hint button next to your renown on the Info UI. It’ll explain just about everything regarding how renown and Notoriety works, so that’ll be nice :+1:!

The last thing for this version is that a new skill for Fighting Styles is being worked on… “Shot”! Can’t wait to see what we get about that one :frhigh:.


That’s all for today’s anchor of The Odyssey Feed. Peace out :v:!


I ain’t reading that trello trello update :skull::skull::skull:

somebody slide td:lr

i can’t read massive text

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oh wait

Anyways I can’t wait for the sex update with the size of the trello 1.9.162 with text
I’ll be waiting : D

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What does unlisted mean ?

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Doesn’t show up on front page

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You mean this topic can only be acceded by a link ?

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So this is a secret topic ?

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Has anyone ever just made like a giant secret topic ?

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Only for some people ?

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Yeah it’s just a continuation of the most recent odyssey feed since I hit the character limit. It would look weird if it appeared on the front page and people read it without reading the original topic first, thus the choice I made.

What is the character limit ?

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35k I think

You really wrote 35k characters ?

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You are mad

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Gonna make an entire secret topic only for Edgelords

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(just gonna send 3 hous trying to find how to do it)

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