Here are just some characters I’m wondering if there is a single character from the arcane verse could beat them, 1 at a time not all at once. If not then how many characters from the arcane verse would it take to beat them, if its even possible to beat them at all.
Darth Vader
Gojo(this one I’m really curious if any character from the arcane verse has a way around infinity)
Doom Guy
AM(from “I have no mouth and I must scream”)
Goku(for the sake of the argument he won’t just blow up the planet)
300 nuclear bombs
Darth Nihilis(similar to Goku he won’t outright destroy the planet)
I may edit this to add more characters in the future.
honestly against any planetbusters the ao cast has no chance, seeing as durza, one of the strongest people in the AU could only blow up part of the earth in his final explosion, whilst those guys do more than that casually
Couldn’t Vader just hold them in place and like crush them while they can’t do anything? Assuming force = magic in this scenario he still can hurt them while they wouldn’t be able to move.
Infinity automatically filters out things that could hurt him, don’t see why magic photons would be any different
I can definitely agree with comic supes stomping, but what about DCEU supes?
Cause that cut the entire infinite space, correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure typical light and shadow magic don’t do that.
I don’t see how turning into glass, wood, rocks, magma, etc would stop the force from working on them. Maybe one of the more unique curses could but I wouldn’t know which one.