Could arcane odyssey revive the Roblox platform?

Meh I wouldn’t really say so. While fighting games and anime games are pretty synonymous on roblox, I feel like there’s a difference between simulator fighting games and RPG fighting games, of which AO is the latter.

While AO’s easily confusable as an anime game I wouldn’t say the same about simulator

idk man AO is kinda just like any other grindy simulator game where you level up and get stronger, it’s just, much more “glazzlefied” and made to look much more appealing and fun than the average low poly simulator.

revive? roblox is doing better than ever now

you’ve never played the game bro
you are going to start an 800 reply long argument please stop

I’m still allowed to have criticisms from an outsider’s view

bro if this becomes an argument y’all are snowflakes ong

“oh no liquid has a slightly different view on a lego game so now we should start a flame war”

ironic considering how many child predators and shit have been exposed on here (ruben you are my hero and role model)

ok so this is clearly just satire mb

i mean if it’s a game that you have to level up in and get stronger then in a way it is a magic simulator

also an exploration simulator in a way but that’s just my opinion and we are all different so like more power to you if you feel different

What the fuck? it’s in the multiple billions of dollars?



sandal, this would blow into a huge argument because you’re a forumer who has been on here for at least a month, and you would know better

dawg that’s 99% of RPGs :skull:

You can break down almost anything as “well if you do this general thing then it’s basically this thing in which you also do that general thing” do draw a connection, but genres exist to create semi-distinct categories

you could say the persona series are simulators because you fight enemies and level up and learn new skills using the logic behind this one

I guess with that logic really any game can be classified as a simulator lol

well I guess AO is not a simulator but in fact something that’s different.

I learned something today :+1:

wdym at least a month I’ve been on here for like almost 2 years :skull:

1 year, six months and eleven days

I have lurked on the forums for quite a bit longer than that


I was mentioned in a post made by a person known as Baba about a game called dimensional key long ago.

now fuck off and let the discussion be on topic

not in a million bajillion gazillion years

awesome story bro but I do not remember asking :yawning_face:

this thread is about to turn into a soulless 500 reply argument.

now about the question itself, nothing will really change in the scheme of things. most people will just go back to playing their generic anime fighting games, and the others will probably not know of AO.

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