Could this be the best siege weapon?

Today, I was planning the ship build of a certain character file of mine, and discovered this…

The "legendary"(uncommon) brisk bronze coehorn.


Now, what may be so special about this brisk bronze coehorn?
That would be its reload speed of two seconds.

Wait, two seconds..?
Yes, two seconds.

This bad boy can fire five times faster than your standard bronze mortar/howitzer and six times faster than a heavy bronze mortar.
It can accumulate up to six times its cannonballs’ base damage in the time it takes to fire a single howitzer shot. The take? It takes a lot more cannonballs to deal damage with, is close-range exclusive, and requires a bit of aiming skill, but what’s the point of that when your target is stationary?

Use this on a high-speed ship and you’re ready to destroy any clan’s fortified island, just get real close to their base and start blasting. Their entire territory will be covered in ashes and the smell of gunpowder will permeate its soil by the time their first mortars could fire at you, truly the perfect sail-by siege weapon.

But the question is, do you agree with that?
Debate about what YOU think is the best siege weapon for both PvE, PvP, and island raids.


it’s all fun and games until you get a decently sized fleet all equipped with these and open the gates of tartarus itself with an iron rain of complete demolition


Iirc brisk archaic mortars have a negative reload time

I hope you can call your player fleet to siege clan bases. Imagine the huge naval wars between players and npcs

Explosive bronze Howitser
Just trust me bro the Aoe will wreck everything

It shoots even faster with a master cannoneer

Thing is that clan islands will be able to use siege weapons. So you might be able to destroy walls but possibly at the cost of ur ship. I think using an enhanced howitzer might be pretty strong for breaking into clan islands

ive always used brisk coehorns, they are the best siege weapon

one chain shot to slow the target down, and then spam them with cannoneer’s ability. pathetically low damage compared to the larger mortars, but it has a ridiculous firing speed, and the added bonus of only losing -1 ship speed

Sounds good until you realise that they misfire 1/4 or 1/3 of the time, deal self-damage in doing so, and have a 12 seconds long reload time for what essentially is less damage than the brisk bronze coehorn.
By the way, why are the mortars and coehorns in-game in plural when there’s only one on your ship, is it in prediction of future ships having more than one?

Good on paper until you realise that its stats fall short to enhanced heavy bronze mortars (the 2 extra seconds are nothing since both of them have a long reload time already)

true, but its low damage and high reload time would alert the hordes and have them fight back.
I think it’d be better to risk it and deal insane burst damage instead.

Explosive browse has less speed penalty than enhanced heavy bronze

True, but if you’re going out of your way to decide on what is the best siege weapon in the game, you’re expected to be an experienced ship metawright.
(i.e. have a sea vessel so optimised that speed is the least of your concerns)

Having tier 4+ walls is how I’m gonna determine that I shouldn’t mess.

when you have 6 players with heavy bronze mortars at once:

if you had 6 brigs with archiac mortar tho that would work

True, if it’s a Many versus Many situation in which players target a single enemy ship at once, it would be sub-optimal to use a brisk bronze coehorn.
Good thought.

Just tried this out, I usually use exploding heavy bronze for big explosions, but being able to have a constant rain of cannonballs is really nice. Feels like I can fire every 2-3 seconds without cannoneer, 1 second with. The extra 6 speed gained compared to heavy bronze is also something I like, that is almost an entire deckhand. I’m going to try testing it with chainshot, see how well the slow works with the fire rate.