Countdown to release

Guys, a new leak in Reminders came out, an official date is here!
February 28th guys, mark your calendars!

Not really said

Wdym, February 28th bro!

do you mean february 29th? 28th is always a day in february

Now now, don’t be silly.
Realistically, Vetex would postpone it to the 30th!

Eyes on them tuesdays yo

  • I will sink and sink again and sink ships again, because after Assassins creed 4 black flag I can’t miss the opportunity to be a pirate in a game like Arcane Odyssey.

  • Although, of course, I will explore most of all, because in my opinion Arcane Odyssey will be famous not for lore or graphics, but for the freedom of action that is given there, because if we compare AA and AO, then in AA we used what we have already created, while in AO we will create for ourselves whatever we want, the proof of this is the customization of magic and fighting styles. But of course its my opinion and it may not coincide with someone else’s opinion.

I will avoid you at all costs

warrior + big axe :cold_face:

that is second file, with warlord i will lose out on weapon dmg

yeah i saw that in the update log but i didnt really understand it

it means you deal 100% damage now regardless of your stat points

54 posts were split to a new topic: Hybrids & Lost Magics

laughs in headless

god days. days feels weird AO isnt coming out in a year a month no… days…

Imagine: Vetex somehow miss and click delete all scripts and all savings.

there’s probably backups

Well, its was just a joke… or was it?

Ctrl Z:

I will only say that on February 10, AO will begin to move