Crystal magic user tips

So as an emerald user (no this is not a jojo reference fuck off) what are some good tips for getting better at the magic?

I feel like I’m decent at the game already but what kind of playstyle fits crystal best?

Also looking for pvp items I’m online every now and then my user is on my info page.

:crystal_magic_var1: :crystal_magic_var2: :crystal_magic_var3: :crystal_magic_var4: :crystal_magic_var5: :crystal_magic_var6: :crystal_magic_var7:

use wind


Do me a favor and die in a hole

I hate wind users.

better tip

don’t use crystal

ok so heres the thing,

All of WoM’s magics are fundamentally the same

Get good at a more ‘meta’ magic first (like shadow, wind, lightning) before trying your hand at trash magics like crystal

Might not be the answer you wanted, but it’s the answer you’re gonna get

I have used acid before so I think I know what I’m doing

I still have my acid alt its very poggers with 32 player kills totally not flexing

Ok poison magic


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i mean Crystal for me feels like im using Ice Magic but with Gold-like aesthetics

you’ll have to be really good with the game itself AND crystal in order to be good with it, since it’s so trash

get good at perfect blocking, aiming, using other spells, or just wait until ao comes out

Mainly this

Mix a strong base and a weak acid and you still get a weaker base even though you have mixed the two.

I can and WILL determine where everyone sits on the cringe-based pH scale.

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another god has returned

pair it with light for second magic and go with magic speed/casting time in ao since those got merged I think

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you can’t

honestly you can do good with any magic if you have the skill, just improve your aim, improve your blocking, improve your movements, just keep improving and eventually the only thing holding you back is the fact other magics can do more with less effort.

TLDR get good feel good B)

go wait for ao when it gets its crystalize effect