Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

naw who has the tornado curse :skull:

Funnily enough, tornadoes have been the only weather thing I have noticed outside of the dark sea. One of them spawned on top of my ship and did a lot of damage.

Pre-brewing update Palo Town:


Conjoined ships

's what I’m saying, right there. Used to be, you couldn’t go two or three in-game days without reading about Ravenna or Palo Town getting ravaged by a tsunami.

I once stood in the middle of one of those crazy lightning storms that practically recreate Gears 4 and 5 Lightning flurries in Roblox, and watched as it decimated the entire city of Rubica and pockmarked most of the rest of the island’s west side. I miss seeing crazy shit like that.

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I think one of the changes that took away from that chaos was the removal of destruction rubble
Now the buildings just phase out of existence

Ah yes, old Palo town’s constant destruction by Poseidon himself
Honestly the better version

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It always happened at or near Rasna for me.
Rasna kept getting annihilated by giant waves, and the iceberg clusters popped up next to it for a while.


Fr lolol

Correct! That’s exactly who that is. Not sure why it’s in the water though, never seen them there before.


e sharp

saw ravenna got struck twice, palo once and sailor’s once or twice

its pretty damn rare

“the power of the sun… in the head on my neck”

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I miss that one, but I get why it was removed
Still, it was fun dropping the disguise than running through Rubica/Rasna and aggro every BL soldier, then watch as they wreck the town


Ah hell naw, NPCs got access to 2nd awakening early

i mean theyre level 260