Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities


I f*cking TOLD YOU not to drive drunk

Oh no… Grand Navy is out to arrest me for driving drunk.

Plans have been made to make AO more child-friendly which involves removing any pictures of women’s torsos



It’s been ages since i’ve run a solid magic Mage, so i forgot that if you use sphere aura while wearing armor visually you get incredibly thick shoulders and neck problems.

I think if you do this it should make npcs run away in fear


new aura type, fear induction

It’s time you get a girlfriend, your arms have grown too muscular to just be ignored.


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same thing happened to me the day of the nimbus sea release
dang nothing was loading there
the castle didn’t exist and I had to go through the story like that

Screenshot 2024-02-10 085855]
my file when you stole his banana backpack
Screenshot 2024-03-31 130304
my hat turned collisions on and got stuck in the ground

Vetex: “yeah im pretty sure i fixed that bug dw-”
roblox: “are you sure about that?”

Literally every major bug

Vetex: “yeah im pretty sure i fixed that bug dw-”
roblox: “You fixed that ONE bug. Not 10 new ones”


For me a part of the castle didn’t spawn in so behind Nilah there wasn’t a window, just the sky (which, after seeing the non-buggy version, I found better)

Basically every dev in existence:
“Yeah I patch that bug!”
runs program
“Why is there 3 new bugs?”
