Custom lost spell ideas

Atom splitting Magic: Split an atom, end all of the Warring Sea

Self-destruct: an explosion that does more damage but also damages the caster,
a spell that lets you shoot multiple blasts at the same time,
something like order break from ebg’s chaos magic,
Smite: a beam from the sky that can be aimed like a placed explosion,
a heat-seeking blast

Self-Destruct is pretty much just a Sacrifice Explosion.

Heat-Seeking Blast: NO.

something like a BIG elemental fist, a final movement or a useful movement to destroy npcs boats
(like a beam but your arm begins glowing and BOOm big funi fist go like brr)

Lost spell: zone orb

Fires a strange orb of your magic that lands and instead of exploding it lingers, being within a certain radius of this orb boosts your magic power.

The orb can be removed via enemy attacks or it wears off after a minute into a small explosion with a small AOE

If used on a person instead of a wall or surface, it acts as a sticky mine and detonates later on the target, allowing for some funny combo ideas.

Depending on how large the radius, the more or less magic energy it costs

Lost spell: grapple beam

Fires an extremely fast, straight projectile of magic, similar to the beam attack at level 75, but if it hits something, it pulls you towards that object at high speeds. If you hit another player, it pulls THEM towards you.

It would have extremely small AoE, average damage and a lengthy cooldown like the high jump spell (so that players can actually escape from someone with this spell in an open area).

(Edit) Oh wait I just looked it up and apparently many other people had the same idea, well damnit I’m not original.

Lost spell, entrapment: will trap anything it’s caught in and basically make them immobile for a short while. It deals a small amount of damage when initiated and doesn’t deal any more afterwards. They’re prone to attacks, but that will clear the entrapment. You can basically trap them and run away or get in a charged shot. Medium magic energy cost with decently long cd.

The whole sticky-mine blast thing already exists, actually. I remember wanting to use it back in the earlier days of the WoM Trello.

This would be so laughably easy to abuse, which is why CC is almost always a horrible idea in games like this. Someone hits this, and then gets their guild members to launch a fully powered attack on you at the same time, and you immediately die from full health. Not fun or fair.

I-frames, ez

That sounds basically like the mastery trap spell that was with the idea of mastery in trello

O k


It’s what it says on the tin. Shoot multiple blasts at the exact same time.

femboy ray

Screenshot 2021-02-26 at 5.33.07 PM

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Lost spell: Ring. you shoot a large ring of your magic that has a lot of area. it also does decent knock back.

I like the idea of having an explosion spell releasing from the user in a cone-shape expanding in the chosen direction, think of how it would look if you shot a shotgun and mapped out the spread, but instead of pellets it was a single explosion.

The closer to the epicenter of the explosion, the higher the damage. It definitely wouldn’t spread out as much as in the gif but the gif looks cool.

It would also be nice to see a beam attack or even just a blast attack where one can guide the trajectory of the attack as it's firing.

(Omega beam is aimbot, not directed, but you get the point)

Finally, a direct downward plunge ending in an explosion.

EDIT: Well we got Devastate now so

Potentially it could act as a grab like this.

EDIT: Gif broke, it’s when Bakugo grabs Deku and explodes down into the ground in their 1v1


All of your posts are crafted with such effort and detail, and they get the point across while being nice and visually entertainment. Heaps of merits.


But uh.
To nerf it even more, attacked enemy will get a 10% speed boost after the bind ends and damage received while binded is reduced by 66%

I just wanna do what ice or snow does to people in rain smh

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