Damn, something special happening today?

oh, thought you knew from what I’ve said before, yes it’s the traveler

who’s the dps in the team, traveler?

I really can’t argue with that…

quoting myself again

didn’t see

hmmm it’s an ok team
geo doesn’t provide very good elemental reactions so you’d have to do some high dmg
albedo = good support

it’s overall a nice team

that’s why the resonance exists, and albedo is there to keep the resonance up and also add extra damage onto my attacks

i also have a strategy for higher damage: use diona, use fischl skill to superconduct, albedo to crystallize and pick up an electro shard, reposition fischl to apply the damage buff, then swap to traveler to deal ez dmg, this always works

or sometimes I’ll just raw albedo-traveler everything with ease

now for a question

should I replace albedo with zhongli?

albedo rerun when

i’ve been waiting for ages

probably before ganyu, who knows

anyways @vera what team do you use?

you can reply to me somewhere else to not flood this topic, even though it’s off topic category

unnamed (1)

ah yes the 12 fucking months necrobump :fr:

are you…

I mean… I heard she was powerful. But god damn. Now I guess why she calls it a frostbow. You gonna need alot frosting for all dat CAKE

Okay night time for me. Cya

sounds horny to me. you will suffer the wrath of the bonk next time.

anyways gonna sleep too, bye :wave:

all this technical talk about genshin and here i am trying to build 2 teams and failing

Huh, I genuinely thought the forum was dying, guess not

to be completely honest I don’t know anything about stats in genshin either, my entire team consists of characters I think look cool

i prefer playing games that way even if people say my choice is a bad idea glad im not the only one

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