Damn, something special happening today?

he’s fun and you’re missing out on some things if you don’t try him out at least once. also if you lvl him up, congrats, you have a lvl 90 for various elements ez

also his stats are interesting, 4 star stats with 5 star scaling on lvl up

he’s level 80 with decent artifacts

amber + amos bow = better dmg output
plus i’m hoarding a shitton of mats for future characters

dendro is in the works, so i gotta save up for that

amber’s only use for damage is charged shots. she has a pretty bad kit for the rest. and because she is pyro she has the capability of melting for 2x dmg

what if you don’t get them? I don’t save for something I don’t know if I will get.

i just want a yanfei mihoyo please i don’t want to build bennett dps

no, put noblesse on bennett for 20%+ atk for the rest of the team
4pc viri for swirl and decreased resistance
apply cryo, then c2 amber bunny + charged shot and 150k dmg ez

57 pulls until pity, I have around 60 pulls rn
may dolphin for a character, hopefully more leaks come out within the next few weeks for other characters

honestly geo traveler is pretty decent if you have a geo dps like ningguang or abusing zhongli’s pillar ressonance

but that’s if you have em
plus for some high level dmg it requires good artifacts, good talent levels, and summit shaper/primordial jade cutter which i don’t own

or you can use Al :b: edo, ez crystallize, use 4pc archaic petra and enjoy dealing more damage

that’s what I’m doing after all he’s one hell of a unit

traveler talents are the biggest pain. the book type changes every time and there’s different talents for each element.


i’m just going to work on a one shot method so boss farming is easier

requires too much setups but I get your point

also I don’t have her C2 nor C1 so I really won’t use her

she has potential for breaking shields, sniping the cryo regisvine or finishing off electro hypostasis though

it works in around 8 seconds so if you understand elemental reactions and do it quickly, it works

nothing I can’t do

also now that we’re talking about this

rate this team: geo traveler, albedo, fischl & diona (geo resonance and superconduct)

This wasn’t supposed to be a thread for some gacha game…

who’s the dps


You can thank @Extro for mentioning Yanfei, Zhongli & Genshin then

eh it’s cool, wasn’t really looking for deep, in depth replies or something