Dark Sea Essentia-lly

--Would you look at that? We're a day away from October, the month where you humans in the real world enjoy fear!
--(What is wrong with you guys?) That's besides the point, because I'm here to tell you spooky things about
--IssuesAreMinor's spin on AO mechanics in his AU and his own original concepts, and have drawings of them too.
--If you're (somehow) interested in how things play out, save this for later until that lazy bum gets off his
--ass and makes webcomics or whatever he wants to do now.

--You're probably thinking, "Is this guy schizo?" Well, I'll have you know that IssuesAreMinor is
--completely fine. I should have introduced myself, but I don't want to give away too much since that
--would ruin the fun. Let's just say that I'm a mysterious entity with insider info for now.

--With that being said, this is the start of Dark Sea Essentia-lly. Don't judge the name, it's good
--wordplay. What you call Dark Sea Essentia (which should really be called Iyepyexnwivsddvowocckqodrkdv-
--yyuonvsuokuoilykbnlkcrohzomdwyboypdrocorsnnoxcombodc if we're being accurate), and it's essentially
--the entire Dark Sea and other at least somewhat dark aspects of it.

Well, that was a weird post. Why is it written in Lua comments? Who cares? I’m too tired for this.

--Great, he found the post, and I still need to find a way into his system so I don't have to speak in code.

Guess who just got admin access? Me! I may or may not have locked him out for the month. Don’t worry, it’s just a silly prank. Tomorrow, you’ll get your first real entry. See you then!

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I see
No well I don’t see i have no clue what the hell this is

Heh, the forumers don’t understand what “in character” means. And yes, I didn’t break character. I’m just aware of everything. Hope you understand what I am now, and if that’s not the confusing part, then I’d be happy to clarify.

Wow! I understood none of that!

Wow, forumers really are incompetent! I should expect as much from people who simp for a character from a Lego game.

Speak for yourself, omniscent being, i am too busy FISHING

if you’re so in character then let me give you an interchange potion for a blasted fighting belt

you broke it now didn’t ya

Wow, you’re all so impatient. I’ll reveal more about myself if you wait. You all did the same for this game to update, and I’ll reveal everything in no more than a month.

Let an interdimensional being have a little fun.

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skibidi toilet

What are thy opinions on treasure charts :]

I think they’re way too easy.
U+42 U+75 U+74 U+20 U+6D U+79 U+20 U+6F U+70 U+69 U+6E U+69 U+6F U+6E U+73 U+20 U+6F U+6E U+20 U+74 U+72 U+65 U+61 U+73 U+75 U+72 U+65 U+20 U+63 U+68 U+61 U+72 U+74 U+73 U+20 U+73 U+68 U+6F U+75 U+6C U+64 U+20 U+62 U+65 U+20 U+74 U+61 U+6B U+65 U+6E U+20 U+77 U+69 U+74 U+68 U+20 U+61 U+6E U+20 U+65 U+6E U+74 U+69 U+72 U+65 U+20 U+6F U+63 U+65 U+61 U+6E U+73 U+20 U+77 U+6F U+72 U+74 U+68 U+20 U+6F U+66 U+20 U+73 U+61 U+6C U+74 U+20 U+73 U+69 U+6E U+63 U+65 U+20 U+49 U+20 U+6B U+6E U+6F U+77 U+20 U+65 U+76 U+65 U+72 U+79 U+20 U+6C U+69 U+6E U+65 U+20 U+6F U+66 U+20 U+63 U+6F U+64 U+65 U+20 U+74 U+68 U+61 U+74 U+20 U+6F U+63 U+63 U+75 U+72 U+73 U+20 U+69 U+6E U+20 U+61 U+6E U+79 U+74 U+68 U+69 U+6E U+67
Sorry about that, I just like wasting people’s time.



Atlanteans. Good old menaces of the Dark Sea. They function similar to how you guys know them, but there are some extra details in his AU. Atlanteans are caused by an infection, how original. In all seriousness, this one’s different.

The Atlantean infection is an amoeba that hitches rides on the acidic rain of the Dark Sea. It does this to enter the blood stream of anyone whose skin is pierced by the rain it rides. Once it’s in the blood stream, the infection begins to take place. The victim only has about 8 hours before their mind is running off of savage instinct and the need to spread the infection. They hunt anything they can infect and attempt to expose as much blood as possible so that more of its species can enter the target’s blood stream.

A zoomed in Atlantean cell.

Say hi to Nox for me! What, were you expecting an assassin? This is what would have happened if he didn’t get his little curse (more on that in a future entry).

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ok so its abyss sea

Great observation, it’s almost like I alluded to that! You forumers really are idiots.

skibidi toilet

Does he know

Second most obvious statement I’ve heard all day.



The Eye of the Order

You know, someone like me shouldn’t really care for insignificant things like this, but I’m more “human” than you might assume based on my first impression. Well, I’m at least human enough to feel the slightest bit of remorse for it.

The Eye of the Order is a creation of Jasper Nezza. It took him a lot of ingredients and experimentation to make it work, (just try getting him to tell you about what he did to that one poison jaws and tell me he got this first try), but he was missing something valuable. It was the ability to properly communicate with his little science fair projects.

How would our favorite apathetic alchemist do that? Here’s a hint, it’s someone whose name starts that blue thing that ruins friendships in a racing game. Is that too specific for you guys? Ugh, none of you are any fun. He needed Shelby. More specifically, he needed her curse. Plans changed, though, and Jasper only got his hands on her blood. That turned out to be enough, though. He managed to make a potion so that the his 5th experiment, dubbed the Eye of the Order (who I will now affectionately call Eto), would never try to go against him.

Now, imagine you’re getting experimented on against your will. You already got your eyes impaled by a trident and ripped out, and now your… (Do humans have any appendages other than their limbs? I never took the time to memorize biology) gets the end of it ripped off and replaced with an eye. Not only are you going to have twice as many blind spots, but you also have a much more vulnerable eye that could easily be chopped off. At least it’s from a White Eyes, so Eto had some really good eyesight after Jasper’s experimentation.

Got a little sidetracked there, my bad. Anyway, imagine that happened to you, and then you’re forced to follow the commands of the person who experimented on you. That’s Eto’s situation summed up. Jasper insulted every rule of potion brewing by combining shark fins with life remnants to invert the effects of a regular shark repel potion, combining Shelby’s blood and his own blood with Atlantean Essence, and combining the two into one potion. That potion made Eto obedient to Jasper and allowed the two to communicate with each other.

Thankfully, Shelby and Preston worked out their differences and beat this thing’s ass, I was getting tired of how petty they were. Jasper knew that Eto wasn’t presentable to the Order of Aesir if a 5’1 dude who was barely an adult could defeat a sea monster at least the size of a damn Fenrir, so he sailed into the Dark Sea with him to avoid the Order tracking him down and killing him for wasting so many of their resources.

What a silly little guy. Wait, is that a caravel? Nevermind, that’s a silly absolutely massive guy.

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