Dark sea lightning is an awful mechanic and desperately needs some sort of rework

One problem with this, thanks to the constant rough waves and tsunami waters, unless this had an effect above it too, this wouldn’t work outside of islands.

maybe just on whatever surface its about to strike on then?

if your deck suddenly have an electric circle you should be able to dodge your ship out of it, or at least prevent you from getting hit by it by simply stopping ( fast ship does drift forward a bit tho so uh, have fun )

I was thinking more so that the circle effect could have a particle above it similar to magic circles when they’re charging up that gets more intense until lightning strikes.

lightning damage should be max health % damage

still doesnt fix the issue tho, might make it even worse since this means even if you’re rocking 2k+ HP, you can still get your limbs blown off if you arent wearing vanity armor

thats the point. I don’t want to solve the problem, just make it worse.

based response actually

“Fixed: Dark Sea Lightning does not deal 100% max hp damage”

base lightning should deal 40% of your max hp in damage, while red lightning does 25% 3 times

This should also effect boats so red lightning hitting your boat will leave it at 25% of its max hp.



i’ll be nice, magic circles appear in the sky for 5 seconds before the lightning strikes. Better start looking at the sky to dodge

imagine you’re sailing and suddenly you look up and see that one old WoM teaser lol.
lightning magic circle the size of an island, directly above you.

yes, this will make the dark sea more enjoyable and not rage inducing at all.

I suffered a very amusing death during one of my recent Dark Sea treks. I was exploring a desert island, and it was raining balls of magma. No big deal I thought, there’s no way that magma can hit me…

Well, I aggro’d an Atlantian with Claws, which are very dangerous and can tear through your health pool in seconds with their M1s, so naturally I tried to flee. Of course, a perfectly timed magma ball directly hit me, but then, almost immediately afterwards, I was struck by lightning, stunning me for just enough time for the Atlantean to finish off my remaining 200 HP.

It’s as if the god of luck himself decided to take out his anger on me.

The game saw you run from the fight and and said “no, fuck you”

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erm actually im an earth mage and ground is immune to electric sooo

I’m genuinely convinced that Warding attracts lightning. Every dark sea run I get struck by lightning atleast 8 times. Dark sea was also the first time I got struck by lightning and that was with 80+hrs

Lightning is busted. Needs a rework / indication so you can block

The level 2 players casually taking about 42 damage from a lightning bolt to the face


Me who get struck by purple lighting 2 times in a row:

Also it happened a second time in the same fucking hour