Dark sea lightning is an awful mechanic and desperately needs some sort of rework

Just… watch these:
(not my clips)

Skill issue, should’ve listened for the electrical sound like BoTW

see now if there was some kind of warning before lightning happened, I wouldn’t be complaining.

but, that’s the thing, there isn’t.

it’s quite literally just random and huge damage you can’t realistically avoid if it hits you.


i mean, it makes a sound before striking, but it doesn’t really help all that much (there genuinely needs to be a visual warning)

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Theres gotta that legend of zelda lightning strike warning thing when you wear metal

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sometime’s even the atlanteans get struck

which also comes with lightning sparks that gets more and more intense until you take it off, take cover, or decide to get smited

at least you have more control over the lightning there

people who say “it makes a sound before striking” gotta be pressing g every 5 seconds just in case the lightning falls on them


The thing is, then red lightning has a warning sign, and can be dodged, even with the least manoeuvrable of brigs. The purple lightning on the other hand, that just comes out of nowhere and removes your ability to repair your ship and use most weapons.

I got a deaf friend. Audio isn’t good enough for them. In fact they can’t detect Siren islands either so farming out on the Dark Sea alone is a no no. The basic strikes alone are just some mean-spirited attempt to produce a “challenge” that also delimbs you if you’re not Extra Chunky™ and wearing a vanity package armor, but some people cannot possibly deal with Zeus deciding their trip ends early.

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If it helps, before the red lightning strikes, I’m pretty sure the sky above it lights up red a bit. Unfortunately, you can’t just keep looking up at the sky, but when your friend isn’t actively doing anything it might help for them keep an eye out.


it’s sorta like a giant middle finger by vetex huh.

I have to look at the sky to see when lightning will strike, but if I do that, I can’t see what the waves are doing near my brig.

Also, low VFX players probably can’t take advantage of this.


It’s something that is better than not having it at all, but still not that helpful.

Zeus in his grave rn:

On an unrelated note:


These are top tier spell names.

thats a fighting style technique

These are top tier fighting style kicks of the grand selino technique.

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Lmao what the fuck :skull:

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cool thing would be to take what red lightning does, showing you generally where its going to strike, and also letting u hear it, and apply it to all lightning so u dont get zeus’d when ur on half hp after an npc fight

so like maybe theres an area around the player that if a lightning got rng’d into striking, it would make the player have lightning charge particles on them for two or so seconds and THEN strike the player/close to the player, enough time so you can react to, so you can either try to block or dodge it

hell maybe this mechanic could be used in normal seas too

like, cmon, imagine the godly feeling if you parried a lightning bolt


actually brings up a good point, people with disabilities like that are at a real disadvantage in the dark sea considering how much one needs to rely on audio cues to being aware of any threats. that said, your friend wouldn’t even be able to hear the bellow of a white eyes nearby or the theme that plays just before they’d run into an atlantean ship

i wonder if the thought ever crossed vetex’s mind, but at the same time im not too sure what could be done about it unfortunately, not many other indicators unless you’re just darting your view to the sky and under the ocean every couple seconds amidst all the other chaos in the dark sea