Dark Sea Rendering

Dark Sea Rendering
effort 4.0 1 quality 4.5 2 reasonability 5.0 2


Change the way rendering works for things inside and outside of the bronze sea. This will affect entity (player, NPC, and ships) and potentially islands but this one isn’t as important.

Some have complained about gank squads vulturing just outside of the Dark Sea for a while. One cause of this problem is that players can kinda just see inside of the Dark Sea if they aren’t near the border. Changing the way rendering works prevents this from being the case as players would now just not render unless prospecting pirates enter the dark sea themselves. While it won’t eradicate it; it will make hunting returning dark sea players harder.

Now, while I haven’t been ganked myself. This is just me throwing this out there and see what people think.

So as a reiteration:
I want Vetex to pretty much separate Main Sea (just Bronze Sea right now, later will include Nimbus) and Dark Sea rendering. This is to primarily prevent players on the outside from getting the jump on a player coming back. It can also be used to conceal islands, although, I personally don’t see this as important since most insanity 0 islands aren’t very valuable.

Also, not having to render the DS if you’re in the BS will probably reduce lag

its not like vetex made it like that on purpose. id assume he would have fixed it if it was that easy

I don’t think you completely render the Dark Sea anyways, and it’s usually just a little bubble around each player. This is also primarily for concealing players, but like I said it could be applied to islands.

He already made the zones (assuming the Bronze Sea and Dark Sea “biome” names indicate this), so it’s primarily an issue of figuring out how to separate the rendering for the Main Sea (Bronze/Nimbus) and Dark Sea.

The only real downside to this is that we wont see funny screenshots like the one where someone could see a massive ds island from ravenna with clearsight.

A solution could be to still allow island rendering in options but yeah
I don’t personally see how islands could be a major advantage, other than knowing someone is currently in the Dark Seas or was recently around that area.

Or just make Dark Sea its own server, as Nimbus :person_shrugging:

Gl convincing Vetex


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