Dark sea skills discussion

Guh?? Where did this come from?

So did Calvus’ grandfather really just go up and destroy aukursius keep for shits n giggles?

Put this in spoilers even tho most people probably know aukursius keep anyway

Apparently it was Chaos, the 3rd thing that’s teal and black. These things really need more color variety :skull:

Chaos really said “this shit is mine now” and chaos’d all over akursius keep

chaos was after calvus destroyed it, they both destroyed it at separate times

what I’m wondering is why the dumbass named the fort akursius keep, that’s just asking for cursed shit to happen

Nah, when Chaos got attracted to the earth after Durza fight, it ravaged stuff and hit Akursius specificly (for some reason, probably due to “cries of the jailed” or smth), this even known as Wrath of the Gods

I mean…Its intentional.
Death - black pitch black void and vitality-teal light representing magic that absorbs life
Ap.Bringer - CLEAR similarities with chaos.

Wrath of the Gods is a different event. It lasted for 5 months, technically 6 months before the events of AO. Its basically the effects of the Cursebeard War and possibly caused from Poseidon’s role in it as he was fighting Undead Zeus and Poseidon was God of the Sea, so he’d affect the entire sea of course. (lore doc is outdated in this regard as it states it’s Durza’s boom boom but the game itself states otherwise)

The guy in the Mines states that the big explosion at Akursius Keep was believed to also be some retribution by the Gods due to the evil that was caused, not knowing it was actually Chaos. Chaos is just attracted to evil, and it was attracted to Akursius Keep because a maniac committed genocide on the whole population there.

Remember, Winterveil was the most powerful kingdom in the Bronze Sea for a long time, meaning it probs had a big population. To kill off all the people there would be mass genocide.

But dont call this event the “Wrath of the Gods” as what happened for 5 months before the game’s events and the big explosion at Akursius Keep from Chaos is not the same thing and would create confusion.

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where does the game say otherwise?

The NPC in Palo Town that talks about Wrath of the Gods. Finlay Alford.

Okay, I made a little mistake and it turns out I got the month a little wrong (Damn, need to update that AA time estimation a little then)
The guy states that the Wrath of the Gods specifically lasted 4 months then stopped suddenly one month prior to the game.

Had this been the “Durza boom” event, then the "Wrath of the Gods "shouldve actually started exactly one month ago in AO and still be ongoing during AO, but this NPC states it actually lasted 4 months and then stopped exactly at one month ago, thats the exact same time when Durza was defeated by PK.

This means something got retconned, either Durza got defeated much earlier and was defeated 5 months prior to AO, or that the “Wrath of the Gods” was actually the Cursebeard War. Most likely the latter as it ends specifically when Durza was defeated by PK, and we know Poseidon fought Undead Zeus during the Cursebeard War, and Poseidon’s the God of the Sea. Thats gotta have some repercussions on the entire ocean itself.

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Someone just needs to make a doc with all events and storyline at this point tbh

I tried doing that once and I have the list of dates for the whole first chapter but uh… I never got back on it… (Like, its a lot, I dont wanna be afk reading the quest and get hunted lol, its a lot to read)

Wait a minute, so Vetex DOES know about vitality existense?
Though that teal light’s colour was same as vitality just by coincidence…

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yeah and it’s weird there’s no mention of durza’s boom boom, it should have been noticeable everywhere

I think the impact of Durza’s boom boom got nerfed and is only in Seven Seas now.

I mean… He just added a dodge specifically with Vitality…

Also, Vitality effect is normal blue, not teal (It’s just very glowy, so it looks brighter, but it’s kinda the same blue as Poseidon’s text color so there’s that)

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Nope, its light blue, Im vitality main so I know what color it is

I made a whole post on the Vitality color, so ive also seen it and did comparisons. You are right it is sort of light blue if you look at it, tho if you compare it to Lightning blue, it isnt the same. Definitely not teal tho. If you compare it to the blue light thing that Poseidon shoves into you its is sort of closer to that color