Dark sea skills discussion


I think he just means ancient spells will be exclusive to mage only, and similar for ancient techniques with berserker and some legendary weapons for warriors :person_shrugging:

he says ancient spell type tho, not just ancient spells

I hope he means ancient spells will be exclusive to mages cause if not they really just don’t get anything exclusive

two lost magics/1 lost 1 ancient?

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Strength spells and magic techniques can exist

Dream come true

1 more magic then any magic hybrid build just doesn’t feel right idk, I feel like there should be more then just a extra magic for mages and the argument for extra spell slots can’t really be made as much when lost/ancient spells are getting split between the classes? idk I’m tired

That’s really underselling one lost and one ancient magic

Probably somewhat like that extreme magic leap but for fighting styles

yeah it is I just exclusively play mage so I want more stuff

Imagine casting a pulsar and then push it inside your opponent with ur bare hands


My guess
My guess is that uppercut is strenght equivalent of magic grab.

Well we know what surge is so that’s good I guess

They get 800 skill points worth of spells without including the new ancient locked idea, that doesn’t seem like “nothing” to me ngl

Explosion buff when?

Wait till they meet a fire mage…

If surge is a continuous beam all I want is a fart animation. Just a constant stream of magical shit flying at your opponent.

Works great with earth and red poison. Green aether variation would also be amazing, hopefully lost magics let us pick variation

If surge is a continuous beam, that might take the cake as the dumbest one

“What do you mean I can use my beam spell for more than 20 times? Have I tried before? No…”

Excuse me i saw that

calvus’ aether was green because he was mixing it with the remnants of the apocalypse curse i think