Dark Sea sneaks

Why was this thread unlisted?



One must imagine @Divanochi happy, with only 1 split


so wrong :sob:

imagine if he accidentally had a patreon screenshot saved instead of the intended one and he posted it

He means the exotic versions of those enchantments. We don’t have names for them so he’s just using the regular enchant names as placeholders.

You realize that the archaic sailcloth in the beginning had boosted defense. Complete guess, but i think it had +2-3k def. with warship, its now -2k, so around 4-5k less def for warship for CLOTHS

no it has +40 defence, that would explain the oddly specific -1960, since that would mean Warship enchant on cloth takes 2k hp away

Dark sea was magius once

I do realise that, if you read my entire message you will see how much health I think it will give

yes and they were disproving your idea that it gave a practically nonexistent 60 defense.

I thought that they were saying that I thought it gave no extra defense.
Also 60 defense is pretty reasonable since the wool sailcloth does give 60 defense and the archaic one is supposed to be a hybrid so it won’t have a huge amount of 1 stat.

Doesn’t the wool sailcloth give 160 defense?

That’s the cotton one

yeah I do not think a Sailcloth can give 2k defense

To add to that, -2k defense on an enchantment is pretty big, since the largest increase as of now is 300, so removing more than 2k will be ridiculous

I just find it hard to believe that a dark sea exclusive item would only give 60 defense.

I mean we’re gonna have ships with 15k+ hp if not more, 60 is nothing lol.

If it gave only defense, that would be perfectly reasonable, it does give extra speed as well and we aren’t sure how much. I could be wrong about the defense but it seems to fit best since -2000 is a good number and 60 is already the amount of defense that another sailcloth gives

improved durability and resilience, while also catching a lot of wind

Sounds like it gives both Resilience and Speed, so only a tiny amount of Durability on top of that isn’t too odd. But I am kind of with you, I would expect Durability at least equal to the Cotton Sailcloth for a Dark Sea-exclusive ship part.

Personally I hope that it is more defense, and some other number like 460 could work