Dawn of the Third Day (3 Days Remain). Talk about your future AO files!

my first file is gonna be a fire+explosion mage. explosion just looks fucking sick and they just happen to have a really good synergy

my second file will be a wind conjurer

my third file will be a warrior who uses a shitton of swords :sunglasses:


dammit liu

wood/sand conjurer that’s meant to follow a kinda druid theme

Sand magma Conjurer
Magic is hot and weapons are hot so use both

My main will be pirate - warrior.

How many more times will you change it before ao releases tho :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

First file:
Equinox Mage.
Second file:
Boxing//Karate(when it releases) Berserker. Why use magic/fantasy fighting styles when you can use pure martial arts?

I guess you’ll just have to wait and see for yourself :ghost:

Though a carryover from WoM’s 4th open test, My main will be a Lightning Warlock, it fits them quite well imo

first file:
triple gun

second file:
warden (when it comes out)


who cares about magic when you can just shoot your enemies

Mage with Magma and Ash

Warlord with Iron Leg or Cannonfist, Greatsword, Musket, and Dagger

I have alot of build ideas, but these two are the ones I know I’ll do

brother didn’t you say something there?


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I suck at figuring out what build I’m going on which file, so I’ll just write non specific for each file

  1. A pure 100% warrior build

  2. A berserker with sailor style and knocking fist

  3. A warlock with thermo fist and plasma

How are you guys so good at choosing your builds and all?

A lot of time to think and not overthinking helps.

You think a character is cool? Imagine a general build around it. You think a certain element or concept is cool? Think up a general build about it.

Just don’t try to instantly create this fully thought out build in like 4 minutes

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I like magic and I like weapons

Warrior, Conjuror, Warlock

first file (clan file) will be a lightning (purple) warlock with iron leg
second file will be a light (sunlight) conjurer, idk what weapons i’ll use yet but a greatsword would be sick
third file will probably be a warlord but i havent thought that through