What builds, magics, styles, weapons, techniques, etc are you going for in AO?

all i know is blasts have the hand shape option
found this from the trello btw


mage with ice, snow, and water

hopefully gonna get zone and elementals so i don’t have to fight

also plan on getting a limb spell for all my magics if those are added

my armour stats are either just gonna be pure attack speed or intensity

Light has a big issue with its damage so unless you plan to back it up with something heavier-hitting i don’t suggest it. also Light has very poor interactions just like Shadow. This is mostly if you’re planning around magic interactions tho, if it’s just supplemental for something like a pure build that isn’t mage then it should work fine

dragon head time

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Mage with Magma, Snow, and Wind so that I can clear every status effect if the game

Magma warlock with Ash as a second magic for extra area control due to puddles and clouds

My main that never changes unlike other files:
Mage with Explosion (Will be replaced with Ap.Bringer) ; Ash ; Magma…Size-Defense build with single intensity amulet for larger clouds and puddels.

I dont need to aim, if my blast are a size of a ketch, and whole arena is in puddles and clouds. Zone on Ash to go.

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Thermo Fist warlord

going for a versatile pressure-focused build, so im probably gonna focus on defense and atk speed to start, maybe a bit of power, as well as intensity whenever that gets buffed

Weapons I’ll use are gonna be the lance of loyalty and a rifle, not sure about the 3rd slot yet but I might use a frostmill weapon whenever those come out to apply scalded in combination with thermo

Second file is significantly less planned out, all i know is that it’ll be a crystal conjurer using dual swords, claws, and a pistol

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Berserker w/ Basic Combat and Basic Combat.

I assume when you get your second fighting style it will be basic combat. I’m sure Vetex expects people to, y’know, pick up a real fighting style by then. But I won’t. I will main Basic (cause I am not a huge fan of the others) and I will get my second Basic Combat later >:)

This is not gonna be meta.


basic combat and swords

I can’t tell what my main is gonna be

but I’m 100% doing wind + boxing with max intensity

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Copying me smh :unamused:

Explosion spell has the same options, but they fall from the sky and then explode

Magma mage

Magma thermo

Do I need anything else?

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my kind of guy

no apoc brinfer???

  • First slot : Rodrigo_drake : I will be a Conjurer ( If I could creat my own attacks using any weapon ) If not , I will probably turn a full mage
  • Fire magic

  • Second slot : name ??? : I will be a warlock Using fight style and magics

-Third slot : Name??? : Will probably be a conjurer

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Apoc bringer comes after, once it gets added. Until then I abstain from magic.


big axe

i honor that commitment

my start will be warlord, thermo fist, maybe vampirism. but i also wanted to do poison healing conjurer once

Unlike magic, the second fighting style slot starts out empty. If you want Basic Combat in your 2nd slot you’ll have to learn it at Whitesummit.

Where’d you hear this from?