Dead forum theory (everyone's an alt)

Is it just a thought or is it true? let’s talk about it

  • It’s True
  • It’s just a filler discussion
  • It’s a lie
0 voters

im @JTN’s alt

Why did I make another account just to reply…?

hi rb1

This is my alt

Everyone is my alt.

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Hello RB1 (real)

whos rb1

I see everyone talking about rb1 and I don’t really know who that is, isn’t that the guy who

my guess is he made some alts given the context lol

I do have a different account on the forums which I made all the way back in the WoM days, but I don’t have access to that one anymore
so technically this is an alt

Im an oprical alt,q

you have made actually decent jokes

playrrt and optical are both rb1 alts (he confirmed me in DMS)
i’m a Ezia alt (OLEG was also an Ezia alt)
100% of the forums is just banned user alts conversing with each other

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hi rb1!

The rb1calypse is in its greatest phase…

I can promise you I’m not an alt. I’m real.

That’s what I want you to think >:]

Yeah sure Bio if that’s even your real name.

im vetex alt