Debate [Poll]: World of Magic island and boats

Yeah I know, I’ve complained about this topic being mention so much time. But nobody really gave there own true opinions and the reason why. In-case you have never been on the forums before, It’s kinda confirm knowing of islands returning we have a whole lot of proof.

I think the main problem in world of magic is exploration, transportion, and obstacles. I don’t know but when I play world of magic I just wanna get to point a to point B as fast as i can but Arcane Adventure was kinda different, you actually got some enjoyment when you going to a certain points to do certain quest. and if a Kraken attacks you and sinks your ship you at least you got some sort of fun, especially when you got the boys, a non-modern type of trans-portion that can whole multiple people is very fun and most genres games have it for that reason.

Adding boats can also lead to better and more interesting guild wars, and it would be more corroborative and actually be more of a team effort :sunglasses: Quest can also be more interesting like you have to attack and take down some moving pirate ships, or raid a ship. Exploration and treasure can be more a challenge too get.

Vetex you are sounding like you are gonna remove some features, you should keep the moving NPC and each of them having there own story and if you want every npc having it’s own different random quest. You can remove the shop owners and them sleeping though or you can make them wake up.

Conclusion: Arcane Adventure was a better game overall even if you account the progression and dates. (my opinion kind of)

I am not asking for a exact remake of arcane, Just because it’s islands and boat doesn’t make it a straight copy doesn’t , All I want is decent size islands and boats(and the other stuff that should come along with it like pirates)

Proof of Potential islands returning

If disagree that is cool, but state why you disagree

Better map and exploration

  • World of maigc
  • Arcane Adventure(or AR)

0 voters

Better PVP

  • World of maigc
  • Arcane Adventure.

0 voters

Better bosses

  • World of maigc
  • Arcane Adventure(or AR).

0 voters

Better NPC

  • World of maigc
  • Arcane Adventure

0 voters

The real question

  • Ass
  • Titties

0 voters

poope poop pee


I thing boats will prob return and I like it, I was the type of person who liked using the boat more than fighting for some reason in AA, but where is #justice for horse


they’re cock bigger than mine so no

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I wouldn’t say that this is exactly hard proof, but there could be a possibility of the new map leaning more towards the ocean. Whenever I think of a new map for WoM, I think of World of Warcraft, where there’s two giant continents, with a huge ocean in between.

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So is this your nightmare then? A 1 meter tall cock


Ships? Well, I’m boutta solo gank a whole guild fleet by myself. Ez Infamy

Nah you can’t >:c you have small pp

it kinda hard proof

I’m still unsure with WoM having Black Flag type exploration

It can be fun but I’m still not sure about it

what is black flag lol

How dare

Assassin’s creed Black Flag

sea of thieves better

Yeah it is
I’m just using black flag as an example when you explore a place with a ship and find a land like Kingston

image I really liked it ;-;

like if they add small boats to sail through rivers or add islands around Magius is completely fine for me.

Or maybe more river systems to accommodate boats to sail around in like row boats or something

also…i don’t want to die instantly when i touch the bottom of the ocean

What do you mean

So basically in some areas of the map seafloor, vetex forgot to add actual floor to it, and if you try to swim in that area it will suck you down like a blockhole and insta death

maybe just small wilderness islands around Magius that you can access through renting a boat from some Mercenary/Pirate

O yeah lol