Debate [Poll]: World of Magic island and boats

HAHAAHA Added a poll because I am evil


Well they look natural even if they have their size increased.

but ass jiggles nice

Everyone who voted titties on the last one has never met a girl with a fat ass before.

honestly, rather than islands, i’d like to see the seas concept return as a “continents” concept. take the full current continent, break it into 4, and have a separate instance for each of those continents. those continents can also have sub islands where there are maybe some hidden chests, special npc’s, bosses, or just in general other cool stuff, but have one LARGE main area per instance (that being the continent itself).

This would allow for a mixture of a land mass to explore, and some sea exploration, with boats and such, as well as fixing some of the lag from loading so much at once.

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I voted ass but I saw everyone vote titties >:c

Here me out on bosses, world of magic bosses have no variation. When you play arcane adventures each boss has something different, there moves and style are different the areas they spawn in are unique, and they are sometimes very hard. In world of magic they spawn the same, there loot drop rate are the same, they both have the same basic shit. Trigno was fun because he was on a ship the shoots big fire dragons, and the mobility and difficulty(depending on level off-course) Ramesses, was a boss that was kinda inescapable when you fight him, and is fucking annoying when he flings you in the fucking air and he also have to go through some other NPC to get him. Theos was a boss that take team-work I don’t know a person who didn’t ask for help to fight him and he has a great reward and is a big contribution. The Kraken was just a very cool idea and cool looking boss, he is the type of boss you just wanna fight just for fun without getting something.that’s my opinion by the way). Averill, I am pretty sure I fought him multiple times, but overall I would try to avoid his ship because he is a light, Verdies, was pretty basic so I literally only fought him once but he was a really hard boss for the level your suppose to fight him as, mainly because of those fucking beams. Each Arcane adventure boss is unique and special compare to world of magic. Mainly because most of the bosses in Arcane were magic users, but there are still cool stuff you can do for non magic bosses.

Every boss doesn’t have to be part of the storyline, kinda like the kraken

I know world of magic bosses aren’t done, but the 2 first :man_shrugging:

The closes proof of me playing Arcane Adventures .-.

not to mention some attacks feel impossible to dodge

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Yeah, in world of magic I can literally dodge stuff so easy by pressing key once

i dont know about you, but im poggers

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Imagine if boats and islands doesn’t get added

come on this is 90% island confirmed

Vetex himself voted on this.

stop :heartbreak:

@Literomancer Good job voting on “Ass” also sick zenitsu move on ur twitter :pray:

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Those who picked titties are still virgins


daddy vetex voted lol, my man knows ass is better

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i think i missed something here

But fighting styles are gonna be very important too I wanna punch people >:c