Debate [Poll]: World of Magic island and boats

I said large islands. Did you not read the entire thing?
I hated AA’s islands for how small they were, and how easy it was to turn one fight into the bane of one’s existence, along with the annoyingly slow ships making sailing take sometimes over 10 minutes without any additional content.

if we talking small islands like aa then holy shit go back to continent asap.

Yes, exactly.
Small islands are ass, large islands are… Well I would say good, but since it’s the running gag of this topic now, titties.

I fine small islands fine I really don’t care about the size

in aa, you can get from one side of an island to another in like 10 seconds. you can explore an most islands in half a minute

Titties can’t compensate for ass

titties because woman

do people really think AA has better NPC

AA NPCs were better since they, y’know
didn’t have sleep schedules or could have shopkeepers die
The enemy NPCs were shit though.

Vetex votes for ass what a chad

As he should >:D

WoM needs that stuff, just way to ensure shopkeepers stay around. The apprentice idea someone had was good; what Vet could even do is just have wandering vendors go into the towns at night. EZ

horse shit
marua won’t stop spamming his stupid ass dark hold
mino is at least relatively fun to fight and has some sort of recognisable pattern

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Mino’s usually fun.
He’s annoying at level 60 when you’re in an area with basically no cover, and he feels like spamming the living shit out of axe throw that day.

But yeah I agree entirely

Nah marua was fine, you just had bad luck, mino is decent but not as good as marua, every AA boss is memorable unlike WoM

where is the personality option in the last poll :pleading_face:

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Because it’s titties and ass .-.

stfu bitchass im going to beat your ass until you fucking die, give me personality choice i need to prove how much of a nice guy i am


ass and titties only

Ngl I always forget about Marua cause I slice and dice and left. He was cool though.