there is gonna be some adittional context for people that dont know the game
game context
basically there are 2 stages of the game, the non-fog one and the fog one, during the non-fog u go outside the safe area and search for items, meanwhile you try to not die, during the fog stage u need to defend urself with the stuff that u found, there are a total of 2 waves and 2 endings
He almost got soloed by a melee spammer, meanwhile a extremely strong scav came and back stab him
just as my bleeding was about to go… a ice pickaxe scav hit me
I had to spend 3 nights surviving with artery till i manage to find that thing that cures it
you only get this debuf if u have bleeding, i got it right before my bleeding was about to end
well not as dumb but average bers on night 10 (Actually i think this might had been scav war and i had to solo the run, either way add like 2-3 more moral and u get a accurate depiction)
Most hilarious thing is, the sledger would have survived, given their HP pool. My advice is to shoot those suckers, don’t mess with them in melee, it’s too risky.
i mean, if u can react in time for a grab, heavy hit and predict their light hit (all scav have the same light hit timer, or most of the time), then they should be a easy to deal
The mindflayer watching all his team die with 4 morale but doesn’t get bothered because he’d get one shot either way (every mindflayer game I’ve had is literally just this)
“Predicting” a light hit is much harder than it sounds if you’re already in melee range, parry spamming absolutely does not work, and you’re honestly better off shoving or just attacking if you failed to parry them for their first light attack.
well in my expierience most enemies haves the same light attack timer, i rarely went like “huh this felt off timming”, the only enemies i can think of having a different timing is SQ and prob bucket man
i remember having 3 moral, i was all alone in scav war with all types of pen and full on hunger and water, first wave was barely done then my bers stim ran out bc a scavanger got stuck, then i just soloed the second wave, btw i had all the debuffs
Btw a nice tip you could try to use, all enemies attack you as soon as you get close so you can just get in their range and instantly parry to stun them
Some enemies instantly heavy attack you so instead you should shove them
everytime my teammates waste all the guns leaving us with bassically no ammo for scav war, i take a atk speed stim and a dmg resistance stim and i solo scav war (i love decimator)