Deckhand Keybinds

Okay. I have 4 deckhands, and im used to having E as my navigators slipstream keybind. However, i recently parted ways with 2 of my deckhands to get speed deckhands. Now my navigator’s slipstream is C. Is there any way to change this keybind, and if not, why doesn’t vetex add this simple addition?

yes this needs to be added I wanted to do a suggestion but they removed my suggestion for some reason


yeah you’re right @Meta wanna explain


nah he told me he “didn’t know anything about it”

Ur suggestion role got removed cuz you star bombed suggestions with any valid reason and identical suggestions from a last suggestion according to a log-book.

where did I “star bomb” suggestions

As in star bomb I meant giving suggestions 1-stars without any real reason. There are many topics that has these, which there barely anymore due to mod deletion of these star-bombs

I’m pretty sure I explained myself in all the topics I did

In some topics however, there weren’t any explaination, this one is pretty much out of context but per say each star-giving was merely like this:

One message and 1-stars without any reason to (Sky Island Home System). This was also done on many other suggestions posts which due to this, removed your suggestions access. Or might’ve been from re-creating identical copies of other suggestions such as the suggestion made by Theortical, first time suggestion made it was told to be a blatant copy.

This also and my guess that the chance of you using your suggestion role at this period was increased due to the removal of TL3 due to abuse with flag-system

send me the links

where was this send me this link too

I don’t think we need links for this one since we all remembered when it happened.

(I know you stated that “Theortical sparked the suggestion”, however that wasn’t the case before the many edits, so my guess is that it caused a greater chance of losing your suggestion role)

want me to revert them so you can see? I didn’t copy

nobody refuted it so I didn’t get a chance to

deserved after javelin suggestion