Deckhand Profession Discussion

Continued from RFAO3

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Going for navigator, merchant, Shipbuilder or Enchanter and chef or cannoneer.

Give me six dechhands slots so I can go for all of em

Holy shit

Idk why no one attached this there

I guess shipbuilder will have the ability to repair the ship while sailing, thats the thing most of players waited for

I think the merchant might be useless or not worth going for most of the time. Seems to be looking like the random merchant ships with random stock, rotating every so often. I hope it offers other things such as a bonus when selling cargo, or a bonus when buying cargo, something of that kind. If not then it will be the least valuable profession.

On another note, i propose a setup where one keeps 4 crew members at a high level and tier, but keeps the last one at a low level and tier, using that person for switching out 2 to least valuable professions (most likely chef and merchant) depending on the needs, just some food and money for thought (joke intended)

Quartermasters are already doing navigator’s work, maybe these deckhands will be those who alert us about entering new sea, getting closer to the Dark Sea’s border, warning about tornadoes and whirlpools. Though all this can simply be given to quartermasters, thus making this deckhand type useless

Maybe merchant will also have dyer’s abilities, and who knows, maybe his goods will be different from normal merchants’. Mb unique drip set?

Dyer has been added to Ravenna though (the city) so its not that unique anymore, and selling unique stuff, not likely since Vetex would not to add it first.
Most likely benifit is cargo related ability. A more unlikely ability is something related to sealed chests.

Enchanter gives boosts both to ship and crew, does it mean the crew won’t be useless in battle anymore?

maybe, maybe not. I think one of the professions (enhanter or cook) would boost the healing or defensive abilities of the crew to make it easier to get true captain (Hate it when 1 crew member gets struck by red lightning at the start of my trips, killing my chance of getting true captain) But yeah if they don’t get some kinda combat releated ability than i see 2 things enchanter would do.

healing/defense for the crew.
Improvement of the new fishing mechanic.

Combat: (begins)

Crew: :moyai:

Vitality mains: also :moyai:

i’d like to see something from merchant deckhands like that, better cargo sale rates maybe more galleons earned from things like sealed chests could be fun, even minor things like faster auto-unload perhaps

the question is always, what is too niche. My personal favorit to probably never be added, would be a gurantee amount of money to all cargo in the sense that even if you leave the game you get something like 10 gallons from every cargo. Would it be silly, yeah, is it maybe something alike to an old suggestion of mine, yes (so totally biased), still i like to dream.

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i wonder if merchant deckhands will be able to sell arcspheres

Having a rich merchant on demand is pretty good tho, they have a 1/10 chance of selling archspheres

yeah maybe, but i still doubt it offers enough value with only an inventory to sell from, only time can tell

do we uh keep our current deckhands or are they gonna be resetted :frcryin:

I hope they dont go, mayo the fancy has been with me since the beginning

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