Deckhand Profession Discussion

I am never joining any metas, so prob my first deckhand will be merchant bc I like drip

mans just straight up said that

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Saying you’ll do it with my mother isn’t very nice.

Especially when my mother is very kind and loving which I guess your mother wasn’t which makes you feel like you need to dominate other people to gain some form of self-satisfaction.

You’re gonna say something like me, my father, or my sister, because you can’t think of something original or nice to say.

ok TF2 Spy

I’m planning to go with what some other people are already planning, unless some new info about profession specifics is leaked.

no creativity. Anyways you can take this victory for your personal goal of feeling better about yourself, but I honestly don’t care. Saying something doesn’t make it true.
I’m trying to work on myself right now, mostly hygiene wise and I hope you can learn to work on yourself as well.

Shell I love you to death, but you gotta understand internet humor one day and not take it seriously

yeah, probably should.


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The Brig’s bath is really helping.

i hope we have a deckhand that sits on our ship’s crows nest and warn us of a lotta things, would be real useful in the dark sea or if you are a sluggish person(like me) and keeps on running into whirlpools

i hope it increases my ram power, i love my ram


blud really has the melee build

He got that roman naval tech

83 speed and 50 turning :sob:

blud is not hitting anyone

Zeus may not have the balls to strike me down…
But the atlantean brig loaded with heavy explosive does have the balls to fire at me while im on an island and nuke a quarter of my ship’s hp and manage to wipe 4 crewmen

oh u sure about that?

Chainshot mortar is your friend


somehow i did not know that you can change the cannons of mortar

I have a maximum spread heavy mortar and with heavy exploding shells I can call in an airstrike