Deepwoken character graveyard

if you win, ALL your HP will regenerate.
If you lose, you wont regen all your HP, some of it will still be gone

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is this an exploiter or am i crazy
i couldve logged but i was gonna go to the depths anyway so idc
also he was swimming in the water no boat at lightning speed before he went up to kill me

yeah thats an exploiter

Death No.2: Jean Gatli

Cause of death: Died to an eploiter, then killed by a bandit leader in lower Erisia. In the depths, I did manage to kill the Jellyfishes this time, but I was taken down by a lionfish. I intended to go to the depths this time to get better at combat, but clearly it was still in vain. I actually bought another slot for this character, and my Etrean descendant still exists, training in the Isle of Vigils. Also I had nothing that could be passed on. I achieved a grand 1 echo from this character, somehow.

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por favor get deepbound if you want to fight shit in the depths

whats that

perma depths progression (going to the outerworld doesnt help you progress faster and makes it worser)

Death No.3: Axon Drameus

Cause of death: underestimated the power of a Palace Guard. Then when I got to Erisia, I almost got owned by a mudskipper, but I managed to escape. Then right when i made it back to my boat, THREE FUCKING BANDITS OF COURSE. So I sunk to the depths and got railed by jellyfish.

I think I’m just skill issue

oh btw i do have a power level 3 file in isle of vigils though im SLOWLY learning how to beat the trainer

I mean, before verse two even I could fight the three bandits, but idk increased parry cooldown probably fucks people over


Too many of my Files have been lost to the Depths. So much I cant only remember one.

*dies to bandits

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my exact words

in all livé/files ( i assume they’re the same or a least similar ) or just the current one…?

famous last words

Current one
If you meant like
Each file has its own race

Each file has its own race which can only be re-rolled through paying 150 robux or getting a new file for 200 robux

I have four files being two celtors (File 1 and 2), one khan (File 3), and one felinor (File 4)
The cat-race :grimacing:

so if i get felinor or some races i dont want i can just die repeatively and create a new character with a new race right ?

Oh that
When you wipe you’re always gonna be stuck with the same race until you pay 150 robux for a race re-roll

Or buy a new file that gives a different race so now you got two files with either the same race or RNG fucked you up and gave you the same race

The races give minor buffs
(Other than tiran I see tiran as a big buff cuz infinite glider and 10% less fall damage :skull:)

Its more so if it makes you drippy or not and if you can live with it from what I see depending on what race you get.
Or you can just keep the race cuz there are other ways to be drippy :muscle:

good god…

Deepwoken not letting us race re-roll for free if we don’t like that we gotta wear the mask always without trying to pay a single penny :sob: