Deepwoken: Reaching for Greatness (A deepwoken criticism)

This is gonna be a long one but I’d like to go over my issues and struggles with deepwoken and why its overrated, borderline unenjoyable, and how it’s community ruins it more than anything. This is gonna have to be split into three seperate parts.
The gameplay The community The Incompetence

So let’s begin shall we…?

Part I: The gameplay

When you start off in deepwoken you are given a specific race. And unlike… fucking… rogue you can reroll your variants. It’s a nice step in the right direction. As well as in the starting menu you can now create slots so you don’t have to continually buy alts. Unless you’re a loser and still use them to farm luck When you first start off you are given 6 options on what magic you get. You can either get, Nothing and start with 10 extra points which you can invest into for leveling up fast. Random which if I remember correctly has a slight chance of giving shadowcast, Frostdraw which obviously draws ice, thundercall which allows you to draw lightning, flamecharm which allows you to use fire, and gale breathe which allows you to use wind. You’re as well given up to 2 boons and flaws. However autodidact is the most popular as it practically allows you to escape getting sent to the depths every time. You are as well given a total of 15 points to spend before you spawn in which can give you an item depending on which one you want. As well as giving you two areas you can spawn from. Etrea and isle of vigils.
But because I’m not unfunny and unoriginal and don’t have a furry porn addiction I won’t reference how isle of vigils can remind one of squid game.
And this is where my first issue comes in.
When you first spawn in you are completely at risk of being killed by a level 60 at all times. This is probably a fatherless 14 year old that logs to level 30s. What’s worse is you usually can’t even fight back. As they will almost always have several moves that can easily counter your parry. Which is horrible for new players as they likely won’t even know how to parry. Especially with the server issues the game has.
Now let’s say you got past all of it and you’re now going to erisia in hopes of getting better equipment. That unfortunately won’t happen as there will usually be someone with an enforcers axe or hero’s sword or shattered katana ready to immediately send you back to etrea after finally figuring out how to get there.
This is a very common issue and will eventually end up making people call deepwoken rogue 2
Next up is the pve. Now let’s say there isn’t someone at the gates waiting for you. What now? As long as you aren’t in a 500+ ping server, mudskippers will be quite easy to do. As they are very easy to parry. However as you go past that there will be bandits that try and kill you. For that I HIGHLY recommend going to isle of vigils to practice your parrying against actual weapons. As doing so can and will save your life.
Once you beat the bandits you will be given a certain amount of loot which most of the time unfortunately isn’t very good However, you must remember this IS the starter island. Once you get past erisia progression from there will be fairly easy. Minityrsa and songseeker are both very good places to farm as a level 30 as both give amazing experience and the enemies are fairly easy to beat. Do be wary of the bandits at minityrsa however as their attacks can drain ether. So you can’t rely on mantras most of the time. I believe this is one of the fairly better parts of deepwoken as it gives more variety to the people you fight. So what are the issues of deepwokens gameplay?
It is extremely laggy for one. As all seas are in one server and it reaches to void heart. This could’ve been optimized if they simply did what arcane did and split the seas into seperate servers however it seems they didn’t want to.
The other issue is the guards as they usually won’t do anything about a freshie attacking another freshie until they fight back. It gets to a point where some freshies press T just to make it seem like the one killing them is getting jumped.
The parry concept as a whole due to the fact it’s roblox. Which is why WoMs full concept wouldn’t be able to work.
Overall the gameplay is fine however the performance was poorly handled and executed and could’ve been done better.

Part II: The community

Deepwokens community is… dumb. And that’s coming from someone who used to be in the Eddsworld community. The people inside of it are usually toxic, angry, or simply don’t belong anywhere else. They usually get a power drive the moment they win a fight and begin to role play with their victims before finally gripping them only to forget they were a freshie.
Not only that but here’s this.
The art community while it definitely has more artists that are on par and some being even better than ones like tong or wtermeloon also has an nsfw side. Which I didn’t really mind at first, Let artists be artists right? … yeah well I saw [REDACTED] and now you know it exists. I’m not even a Celtor I’m a canor and I was still disgusted.
Fellas. Let’s not do the same thing deepwoken did. And at least make sure it’s nice to look at.

Part III: The incompetence

Ragoozer and Arch_mage as it stands are… To be completely blunt. Very mediocre devs. They give people who are good at the game a lore about their characters and even give good players specs. It’s sorta unfair to the non pvp heads who simply want to play without pvp. At least when vetex did it he simply gave it to his admins and friends. Some weren’t even unfair. Then for some reason rag gave a youtuber, a race that can basically steal every fucking move in the game as a freshspawn. not a fucking super or day 100. A FRESHSPAWN. Not to mention even deepwokens mod team is corrupt to this day. As they steal people’s shit and then ban them. Of course they might’ve exploited but you’re literally getting profit over getting rid of a cheater. Such as cursed items that would take others hours to get.
They also actively kept a pedophile unbanned. So that’s a crimson blood red flag if I ever seen one.

Now I’m not gonna go here and say that deepwoken is complete dog shit. Deepwoken is a fine game with a few ends here and there however there’s definitely a lot of things they can improve on that would make it even better. Maybe one day deepwoken can finally go from midwoken to goodwoken.


I agree so much



The main issue with it with me is that you can easily get wiped at Low levels because some kid that doesn’t have a life level 60 and the best weapons in the game come and wipe you at lvl 1

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The game itself isn’t that bad it’s just you won’t be able to progress that far because of higher levels

well almost every “bad” game is prob not bad at all just that the community/devs fuck it up aka gacha life, deepwoken or almost any simulator game or gambling game.


Honestly Deepwoken just makes me excited for AO since a few of their aspects are going to be in a game I’d actually enjoy. Not gonna say “deepwoken? more like badwoken xdddd” but it’s just not a game for me, not really something I personally enjoy. The customization is nice though.


deepwoken players after their grandma doesn’t block, parry, dodge death on their deathbed:


deepwoken is highly overrated. I agree.

midwoken was mid from the start

Okish game. A community that is as trash as it’s predecessor.

cmon deepwoken, we need a pvp level shield (you can only attack players 20 levels above or below you for example)

without reading anything beyond this part im so glad im not a deepwoken player :salute:

A senior mod and some others got demoted into a normal player over this issue, actually, and they had to release a new mod guideline for it

Honestly, everything said here is valid.

Though, the part where you mentioned incompetence was kinda :neutral_face: . Everyone and almost every game on roblox has specs they give out, it’s part of almost every game. I mean, would you rather has someone that doesn’t care about the game and is really bad on it specs or give a competent and highly well-known player specs.

Specs don’t even really exist for deepwoken much, 90% of the specs are just cosmetic drips honestly.

The only known dev specs are actually purely mobility lol

Oh yeah and aesthetics, like ragoozer gets horns(don’t effect stats in any way)

I can agree with the stuff here, but I think that there are way bigger issues like how EVERYTHING in Deepwoken is RNG based. Talents, Mantra, Enchantments, your ping, Resonance, etc.

You want to make a meme build with only Agility talents? Goodluck!
You got a Resonance you dislike? Well wipe and grind for it again or deal with a way worse version of a different Resonance!
You got a Corrupted Resonance after a ton of grinding? Sorry, but you got the hp drain downside so now your Resonance is almost never useful!
You want a legendary Mantra like for example Lightning Cloak? Have fun wiping multiple times to get it!
You lost to somebody who can 3 shot you with their enchantment? Skill issue.

A tester said that before you could CHOOSE the Talents you got, meaning you could create whatever build you wanted and even create spells that could complement it, but now it’s all luck based.
Rag replied saying it was so people don’t go the same build as others, but there is even less variety now since everybody goes the same build and you will go through pain to get a pretty unique build with the RNG.
This makes it so you in a sense you can grind for nothing because you weren’t lucky enough to get the thing you wanted.

TL;DR A lot of mechanics are luck based which will make your grinding worthless, and you will need to wipe your data to get what you want which wastes time.
(I got 20 minutes to waste so I wrote all of this)


Arcane Odyssey is looking more appealing by the second


I’d say that if the game had a different community and some pvp/rng aspects like luck were changed to not make progression tied to beating other players or straight up random chance and rather instead focusing on harder PVE encounters or quests and puzzles, then it would be a game I would play.

At its current state, Deepwoken is not enjoyable due to the toxicity of the community and several game features that don’t sit well with me.

About the ping part, I think WoM and probably AO will have the same thing…

dw aint the type of game for like 90% of people here
even if theres more leniency on permadeath, made town guards work more effectively, etc. it would never be your cup of tea

rng is definitely reasonable (except enchants). want a meta build? get the luck and you’ll 9 times out of 10 get what you want. it spices up each run and should stay this way

ofc theres shitty mechanics within this but the point is you’ll not get into dw with this mentality