Deepwoken: Reaching for Greatness (A deepwoken criticism)

Cause who the fuck wants that. And either way, rougelikes have permadeath, you can’t change that.

Because then it would be worse than arcane reborn.

Yeah thats fair

what the fuck
so we just gon not play the game?

no it would not be its like saying spawn in ao at max level and a completed storyline utter trash

no like if you got to a certain point before.

How did this get topic get brought back up I haven’t seen this in like 3 weeks ago

No, i mean like, lets say you are level 40, you go and do a quest/trial to unlock starting with more power
Good thing about it? Start with more power
Bad thing? You win the amount of “card rolls” of power you have with no chance of getting a rare or legendary
Or maybe the chance of getting rare scales with how strong was your last(wiped)charater
Anyways there are many ways to make it work without “lmao start max level”

Im litteraly making a dw suggestion on AO forum goddamit

i am not one of them


why necrobump

because i said so.

Go on little mouse, im sure you have places to be


Deepwoken after realizing greatness is not a physical object, instead an immaterial concept that cannot be reached

I assume the problem is that a decent chunk of the Deepwoken fanbase wants to play an near-exact copy of the game without perma-death. The developers know this and still want a perma-death MMORPG community, so they don’t remove perma-death or add a non-perma-death variation of the game because they’re betting all their metaphorical eggs that the anti-perma-death crowd will still come back to Deepwoken because they like the parry-based combat it has.

idk about the playercount, haven’t checked in a while
biggest problem for me is that there’s not a tutorial and it takes forever to get to the part where you fight low level bandits

edit: darn sorry for necrobump

why did u bring this hellhole of a topic back to life

didn’t check date rip

pretty bad bet honestly.
I feel bad for anybody who actually feels obliged to play a game they don’t enjoy.

As I said a while ago: I love most-everything about the game but permadeath kills any chance of me enjoying it.
So I’m not going to waste my time trying to enjoy something I know I’ll just hate.