Delete the forums

bro if ur that mad about a dead forum for a roblox game that isnt out I think u should go outside

Ok touching grass rn

my ass, you havent touched grass in 30 years, you arent gonna start now either

I bet that this will get closed in the next 160 replies or something

you’re just jealous that, unlike you, i eat ham (haram).

this thread is more pointless than this one

What grass are you touching you said you were leaving 5 times and just kept reading and answering every single comment criminal said, the only grass you’re touching is the one you see in your games

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Just went outside and touched grass lessgoooo :poggers2:

Also you’re wrong, it was the first time in 70 years, i’m immortal for the purpose of not touching grass for prolonged periods of time to share on a funny internet forum, just believe me man :nod:

yea uh huh ok cool

nice to see people still care

cryo is a unique snowflake. as you see, normally snowflakes are very light and fall to the ground without a sound, but with cryo’s 500 pound body he would create an earth shattering sound when he fell

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proof or it didnt happen

So true, tho.




Yall are so fucking horribly cringe it was a pain reading through all of this…

in my sentence i said that you weer uncertain whether or whether not the building was being used. what benefits are there that outweigh the demand of the people who use the building?

forums become horrible soon enough? that a 100% guaranteed thing? how do you figure that?

might be/become an eyesore to you, but remember you are not the owner of the building in this example but one of its previous denizens. your aesthetic judgements on the building don’t really matter that much when it comes to deleting it, since you always have the option of crossing the road.

how high is the cost in this allegory? how hard is it to just keep off-topic there?

ok shut the fuck up you aren’t funny and never will be