Desperately Needed Changes to Player Jailtime

Desperately Needed Changes to Player Jailtime
effort 4.384615384615385 13 quality 4.230769230769231 13 reasonability 4.428571428571429 14

Hello your testers!

I have a slight question for the testers team:
Are there people with wildly diffrent opnions on the direction of AO or is everyone on basically the same page (I would also propose this to the balance team but i havent seen them in this thread)

Testers dont get much of a say in the direction of ao besides a select few, we just bug test and report issues (and fuck around)

(Hmm now who on the balance team should i mention for a response)
Okay because tbh for testers and espically balancers you need heavily differing opnions
Yet the ability to compromise (which is like a pie chart where the overlapping section is the size of a strand of hair)
Because without that everyone could be convinced the possibly detrimental change could be very good (see: the making of crash uterlly useless as a out of combat movement tool while weapon users get to keep their fully working and much bigger teleport moves)

I cant speak on balance teams behalf but i can assure you the testers do not get along and all hate eachother

@pristine FUCK YOU BUDDY

Since it (somehow) hasn’t come up yet, do you think the planned changes to deckhands would fix this issue @TheoreticalExistence ?

Deckhands are the only use for renown and bounty, which means that after they get reworked, there’s no reason for criminal players to not just reset it regularly, unless they want to engage in bounty hunting PvP for a leaderboard position.
It’d be a bit like how criminals need to regularly reset their notoriety, except you do it to get rid of player gravies instead of npc gravies, and you don’t need to do it nearly as often.

You can still play as a criminal, but since you never have much more than 10k bounty, you’ll never get executed and jail times will never be more than 10-20 seconds, rendering jail as (another) vestigal feature.

Personally, I plan to delete all my bounty as soon as the rework is confirmed.

I think it’ll help alot of people move far far far away from the leaderboards they never wanted to be part of to begin with, sure.

Honestly with the upcoming deckhand change, I’d love a way to opt out of gaining fame OR bounty and just stay at neutral forever with restrictions preventing me from utilizing any of the benefits of being a criminal until I flip a switch or something.

With those two things combined, inadvertently solution 2 happens to a degree, which is an outcome I’m satisfied with.

I still don’t see the point of jailtime as a mechanic to begin with, though.

Isn’t this just describing being a low-fame player?
Like, the only people who will kill you for being 8k fame are the people who would kill you anyway for shits and giggles, even if your renown was locked at 0.

If you’re not going out of your way to get it, you accumulate renown very slowly. Unless you’re farming rivals or kai/merlot, you’re never going to naturally acquire enough renown to start getting hunted, or enough bounty to get a jail sentence measured in minutes, and if you do that you can just reset your renown once you’re done.
It’s not like notoriety where you need to reset it constantly to keep the olympic swimmers away, you only need to reset your renown every dozen hours or so and it might as well be disabled entirely.

I’m 100% ok with jail being a mechanic that exists solely to fuel toxicity among leaderboard players. Sweat drama is funny, and they knew what they signed up for.

gonna start my next suggestion post with that

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That’s fair but I also want to obliterate even the tiniest bit of fame they’d get for fighting somebody who doesn’t want to fight.

Additionally, this system would future proof it from any grinds that result in high fame/bounty gain like Kai and Merlot.

Not me.
All this toxicity only makes those players shittier people as a whole and that feels absolutely terrible to watch.

Toxicity like that has never done anything good for anybody, and I’d like to see it stomped out wherever it can be, even if just a little.
Especially somewhere like here where stomping it out would be easy.

if vetex really wants to stomp out toxicity he can delete the game :slight_smile:

jk jk, changing jail like this seems good

Competition is good.
All this anger and spite behind it is not.

It seems like people can’t win without taunting their opponent and people can’t accept defeats.

you don’t want the smoke bucko.

Run that fade bitchboy

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Being able to bribe syndicate or pay bail would be a good feature

eat glass (10 characters)


Honestly, I believe that the people are just too afraid to choose option 1. They know they want to. They just don’t.

I probably wouldn’t of had enough foresight to realize that a stealth section for option 4 would start to suck, so nice job.

…now when the hell are all the other voters gonna actually vote for the suggestion?

yea lol if everybody who went for the poll actually cast their vote this would be one of the highest voted suggestions on the forums.

there’s only like 3 people who wholeheartedly defend this mechanic and not one of them can give an actual reason why.

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yeah we already know how much vetex like defending his bad decisions, that’s why we need to make another suggestion every ten fucking minutes
there is nothing he hates more than people playing his games