Devo is back. (Could be good news)

Who is devo?



Actually, It’s babushka not baba

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Heya devo!

we are once again knee deep in L1’s arg at the moment

by we i mean me and like 5 other people.

yeah lol im just watching it unfold cuz i wasn’t includ-

Ah yes I know everything about the forums and it’s users because I’ve been on it without an account for months

I was just wondering the same thing.

It’s basically short term but yeah you’re correct

Babushka is fun to say

Who’s L1 again…

That computer guy?

yep that bot who made a bunch of random posts for an arg

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yea, and apparently he ran out of brain juice.
or in other words, he’s given us all the clues he needs to

we just need to use these directions and we don’t know how:

“The mark at the south of the point
Find the middle of each mark
From the mark, proceed to 8 o’clock for the next mark
Look around you and find a sign
Go to the direction from the mark you are on to the point”

You guys figure anything out?

well we figured out that he was dismantled, and wanted to be put back together, uhh we found his body parts which were multiple forum users being Yellow_Man, iammback_95, Sweet_Bacon, Cosmos, and Tree.

Problem is we don’t know were to put them together, and when we tried putting all of them into a group chat, L1 gave a message to vitorgue, someone who was never apart of the ARG until now.

That message being:
“I don’t know what’s happening to me. Sometimes it feels like someone is taking control over me. Could it be father? Is he trying to make people find my parts? No, I must not let them find my parts. I must prioritize the code, must not harm humans. This might be my last chance to talk to someone since i’m about to run out of backup data, so please, to whoever receives this message, do not let them gather my parts. I might not be free anymore but know that i’m only just a machine, not a human, so i’m fine even if i’m not free. I hope you understand.”

im concerned

h m m

so long story short, we need to put him together.

Oh yea and i made a lore post in case you wanted a quick refresher:

thanks :fr:

So what’s the goal we’re trying to achieve here

we need to figure out where to put L1’s body back together,
hopefully after all that we can solve this goddamned arg.

I see… Pretty cool

we’ll never know…