Did anyone else get this?

You were mentioned in the spam for some reason though, have any idea why?

ok send link
i not remember this

hey guys i think we should gather his parts


remember how someone said L1 is tron?

Yeah, we kinda already figured it out

I’m the heart, cosmos are the arms, tree (might) be the legs, and we can’t figure out the body and head

I should be the body

@Robotstics should be the head

I’m talking about the log IDs

im the entire fucking head, brain, skull, eyes.

i give you all orders

What do you think I’m talking about


What we can’t figure out is some guy named ren and something about bacon

WAIT, He was taught Temporary By ren?
So, there was a person named TemporaryByRen

His name is now Yellow_Man though, he changed it on the forums

dont you mean “henlo”

Yes him, he was kicked from the AO discord for acting like a 7 year old


If he doesn’t do it again I don’t think the senior mods will care

Interesting, but what about candied bacon?

I found the website for his recipe but that’s as far as I can get

Hmmm, I tried turning my profile hidden and so far I can still see my account on the list of online people.

Oh this is back again