L1's full lore, i think


I don’t really want to be a part. It would hurt my head.

Well you’re on the list so you’re not a part

so what would happen if all the parts were gathered? e.g you mention every body part person in one topic

Thank god

The bot would gain the ability to feel hope, which is what L1 is scared of

im the head

jk jk

I made a guess

There’s more to that, L1 gave us cryptic instructions to go somewhere

That was awhile ago so we’ve confirmed the parts, I am 100% a part and so are the heart and arms, head and body have been confirmed as those posts are in order of parts top to bottom

Oh yea and L1 pretty much confirmed that we got it right by liking our posts about the list lmao


He’s making it to ez

so whats the endgame for this

He’s not, it’s still quite hard, we’re stuck on the mark part

To solve it

its either A we assemble the body part people in one topic or B we keep looking for marks

I wanna see if someone can go look for the marks in game

ight if it’s too easy tell me how to use these directions:
The mark at the south of the point
Find the middle of each mark
From the mark, proceed to 8 o’clock for the next mark
Look around you and find a sign
Go to the direction from the mark you are on to the point

ngl i was always dogshit at riddles

South, find the middle of the mark, go in the direction of where the clock arrow would be on 8 o clock, look around, the last I don’t know