Did anyone else get this?

Fair, although the concept was interesting

Itā€™s not every day a forum gets attacked by bots having a strokeā€¦

the L1 ARG continues.

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I canā€™t wait for this to be uploaded by some random youtuber like Night Mind or ScareTheatre
and weā€™ll all be cool internet celebrities

i doubt they would even find out bout this anyway.

Idk do you have imediate access to famous youchoobers

ā€œSyntax errorā€

Man I wish I was part of this :pensive: I guess bots donā€™t care about non moving organisms

That would be funny, them covering some mystery on a roblox forum

Itā€™s because he has his public info hidden on that account, you canā€™t see when he is online.

Also, he makes these treasure hunt type things every once in a while, only this time he got some people involved by sending them messages, basically forcing them to participate.

who is the ā€œfatherā€?
we must find out before we progress on this

Never heard of this guy, is he real tho or just a program, bot or somethin

Apparently, this whole ARG has been going on since august, but the messages only really got sent around today, itā€™s been down since september, why is it back up?

it not sended me nothing :confused:

You were mentioned in the spam for some reason though, have any idea why?

ok send link
i not remember this

hey guys i think we should gather his parts


remember how someone said L1 is tron?

Yeah, we kinda already figured it out

Iā€™m the heart, cosmos are the arms, tree (might) be the legs, and we canā€™t figure out the body and head