Discussion and Feedback of Trello Ideas

Read the new additions here: Great TGR info dump (Fighting styles, enchantments, weather, ships, and more)
Let’s have a nice conversation and think of all these new ideas

wait until we’ve all calmed down a tad

Yeah people are still having a joyful meltdown

:heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat:
I don’t know if my tiny brain can even handle this lol

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alright so
injury feedback
i think this is good so far, depending on how fast it becomes severe i think it could work well.
kinda scared of getting ganked while severely injured but hey its your fault if it becomes that severe

One possible way to determine how injuries should occur is if a single limb is hit too much. Another possible method is having the injury be determined by the last limb hit before it occurs.

yeah idk how often or how injuries are applied, but i can imagine it cucking you in a middle of a gang war

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I’m hyped, but I feel unsure about the injuries part, and IDK how well Vetex will balance all the skill trees.

you mean skill trees as in the weapon skills, right?
unless you mean the build system

you’re spreading drama, easy way to make yourself look stupid

crap thank you for the comment

Also in terms of feedback I kinda want a little RNG involved in the Cargo business, so that there isn’t a perfect “route” of money making.

supply and demand maybe?

exactly what kind of RNG involved? and in what way?

yeah, like tradeland’s system where the more you sell the less the value gets, and the more everyone sells the less the value gets.

also a bit of RNG with the prices to keep them fluctuating so you can’t, say, find a tiny server and run a single route forever.

so you mean changing prices RNG? sounds ok

There’s a bunch of feedback to give, just let me think and give my opinion about it

how i think it should work is relatively simple
the farther out from where you bought the cargo, the more valuable it is. However, for every sale at each island, the selling price will go down, to the point where they will literally not let you sell there
obviously, though, the price will rise back up over time.
this way, players have to alternate between islands in order to maximize profit.

Does giving Dexterity like a defense buff that lowers enemy damage overall work

Ok, I think the hypestorm in me has died down a bit, so I can be more impartial now.

Thoughts On Professions + Ideas for the ones that have a "?"

Non-Combat content and Utility? I’m sold!

Only issue is how would the player get these? It can’t be stat points, since those are for combat player builds.

A question for another day I guess, I have two different ideas though

  • A separate skill tree for professions with it’s own points separate from stats meant to affect professions only.


  • An NPC with said profession that you can train under and be their mentee to master said profession that way.

The last one is highly unlikely, but hey i’m just spitballing here, might make a suggestion to flesh it out later?

The Alchemist profession also seems really cool but I don’t know if I’m on board with it being the only way to get great potions. Having them be the main way to get them is fine, but maybe they can at least appear rarely in shops?

Now for some ideas on the “?” Professions

Auctioneer Function Idea

Increased auction time perhaps?

Fishmonger Function Idea

No clue, they could probably be more proficient at fishing than their non-fishmonger friends, but not sure in what way.

Merchant function idea

Vetex mentioned cargo so that gave me an idea:

Perhaps merchants could have higher sell rates for cargo and items in general, or just cargo.

Bounty Hunter

Remove. (Not bounty hunting just the profession)

As much as I want this profession kept there’s no reason for it to stay. Every player should be able to try and bounty hunt. If the bounty hunting was locked to just bounty hunters, it would become the AG 2…without actually having to join it.


Currently have No idea

oh . . . never been a fan of mobility limiters but it makes enough sense