Do suggestions ever actually get implemented?

There are many such cases of people suggesting changes or improvements on flawed game mechanics, and the suggestions seem to receive good votes that are widely received. But then you look at the date it was posted and it was several months / years ago and absolutely nothing was ever done or even mentioned the slightest about it.

What even is the point of giving people access to a suggestion channel if everything that people beg for falls upon deaf ears? It is just a place to give people blind hope?

suggestions aren’t checked very often, as you’ve probably guessed. However, they are occasionally seen. I think they might get looked at a bit more often sometime soon as I’m fairly certain that there was some mention of vetex asking for non-pve/pvp suggestions to be posted on this forum.

I wouldn’t put too much faith in it, but it’s better than nothing

never lose hope

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no, but they removed my suggestor for saying “oh vertex doesn’t even look at these” on someone else’s topic

I’m the only real Icy >:(

No :sob: :weary: :tired_face: :pensive: :frpensive: :pray: