Do u know any good devs interested in recreating wom

I’ve recently been looking back on wom, and I realize that although the game had some weak links, such as the tediously excessive amount of walking, however looking back on it, I don’t want wom to go. If you know any good developers that would be looking to recreate wom (similar to the arcane adventures scenario) please get them together and force them to work (slave labour).

Thanks for listening.


i know some devs but i don’t think they are interrested by recreating a game :confused:

Then they are fat

I don’t think this will happen

i would but i have acetale

Yes it will

I can play it when I’m bored of ao



this sounds dumb

Recreating games is no fun. (Also I’m a terrible developer)

There’s quite alot of people who wanted wom to stay for MANY MANY reasons. So it’ll probably come back. Especially considering how popular it was. Or if not come back be a large inspiration for many devs

I knew one and we had a plan for it, but he has since left the project and he won’t come back sadly

I think It would be interesting to see what other devs would do with the idea of it. Unfortunately I don’t know any devs.


What was their name? (I won’t bug them but I just want to know their name because I heard of a dev who was doing it and idk if they gave up on it or not)

I feel like WoM’s fully open world concept (immersive NPCs, everything being random spawns) would be hard to actually make good in comparison to something more linear.


It was Jeni. From RoseLight guild.

I just hope it wouldn’t be an absolute rip off like Arcane Reborn

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Jeni is making WoM without the random spawns, and a pretty neat system. It’s called Venia, and I’m a tester for it.

I have alot of hype for it tbh